3 Interesting, Rare Dog Breeds

Thai Ridgeback

            Thai Ridgebacks are unique because of their fur. Usually, a dog’s fur goes in one direction, but the Thai Ridgeback dogs have a line of fur that goes the opposite direction. There are 8 different patterns that a Thai Ridgeback could get. They are not always born with these designs; it would later develop. There is no reason or special use for why these dogs have this line of hair. It could be simply for looks. Thai Ridgeback are a rare breed that are from Thailand. It is believed that these dogs might be the first true purebred dog breeds. Originally, these dogs were bred to hunt and protect. This could affect their personality because they were raised to be independent dogs. If they are not trained well, then they could become aggressive. It is suggested that beginners don’t go with Thai Ridgebacks because of their personality.




Peruvian Inca Orchid

            The Peruvian Inca Orchids are said to be one of the first breeds. They are mostly hairless dogs, from Peru. They only have hair on their feet, tail, and head. There is not a whole lot of information on where these dogs came from. The information we do have comes from the paintings on pottery. The Incas, Chancy, and Chimu, all based in Peru, were known to portray these dogs, on the pottery. The people treated these dogs like royalty. This is because it was believed that these dogs had special, mystical powers. The dogs would be drawn with jewelry and buried with their owners. They would treat the dogs like how the Egyptians treated cats. At one point, Peruvian Inca Orchids almost went extinct. When the Spanish took over Peru, they started to breed the Peruvian Inca Orchids with their own dogs. The breeding almost wiped out the original Peruvian Inca Orchids. One of the effects of this breeding, is that the dogs became different sizes. In present times, the government made the Peruvian Inca Orchids a National Patrimony. This protected the dogs from harm. Since this was put into place, Peruvian Inca Orchids are seen all over Peru.




Tibetan Mastiff

            There is no exact time on where this dog came from. But it is believed that the dog has been around since 1100 BC, in China. It is said that the ancestors of the Mastiff breeds traveled with different armies of Assyrians, Persians, Greeks and Romans. While the different Mastiff breeds where traveling, the Tibetan Mastiff stayed in the Himalayas Mountains. The Tibetan Mastiffs would travel with the Tibetan sheepherders and traders. The dogs would protect their master’s tents from wolves or snow leopards. The masters would also chain them to gates and rooftops. This was so the dog could protect their home. Before the 1800’s, few people were allowed to travel to Tibet. But the few travelers that were able to travel into Tibet never talked about the dogs. In 1800, Captain Samuel Turner talked about big dogs in his writings. But he never described the dogs. 1847 was when Lord Hardinge sent the first Tibetan Masttiff to Queen Victoria. Later on, a few more Tibetan Mastiff was brought to England. But in the 1950’s, the first Tibetan Mastiff was brought to the U.S., for the president. In present time, it is hard to find a pure Tibetan Mastiff in Tibet, Nepal, and other Himalayan regions. For a long time, Tibetan Mastiffs have had a close relationship with man. This made the Tibetan Mastiff strong, fearless, loyal, patient, and gentle. 

Resources: https://www.tibetanmastiff.org/brief-history.html


2020 was a stressful year, but we all got through it. But this doesn’t mean that the stress we experience will go away. We all have experienced stress at one point of our lives. We can have stress because of work, school and family. Relationships can cause us stress. But how should we deal with the stress? There are many ways to deal with our stress. One of them could be: petting a dog. Yes, petting a dog can help a human with their physical and mental health.

There are many different benefits when it comes to dogs, but one of the biggest one is comforting humans. There are many reasons on why dogs are the best at comforting when it comes to stress. The first one is that they live in the moment. They aren’t stuck in the past or stressing about the future. They enjoy what is happening in the moment. This is very hard for humans to do because we are always worrying or stressing about the future or thinking about the past. Secondly, they are always forgiving. An example of this is- the owner steps on the dogs paws or gets mad at the dog, owners often feel guilty after the accident. But the dogs are able to move on a couple of minutes. With humans, we often hold grudges against one another. If we are already feeling stressed, holding a grudge could add onto this stress. This is not because we want it to, but we are human and it happens.

Dogs provide companionship. This is important when it comes to stress because there are people who find comfort in talking to their dog. For some people, talking out problems can help them feel better and find a solution. We are human and we need that human connection. If we aren’t able to connect with others, then there is a possibility that one could start feeling alone and sad. A dog’s companionship can help us feel less lonely. This is because dog’s are known to be loyal to their owners. This loyalty can help us feel better, especially during Covid. With Covid, we are all trying to stay safe and healthy. This causes us to distance ourselves from others. One good thing that came out of this pandemic is that we have picked up new hobbies, like exercising.

Exercising is an activity that can help with stress. It is very difficult to get into thought. The soreness that is felt after working out. The energy that it takes. It’s not an activity that all find enjoyable. But taking a dog along with you might make it more enjoyable. It’s also beneficial for both parties. For humans, they are exercising more and gaining a healthier lifestyle. For dogs, it helps them with their behavior. They are less likely for them to act out and misbehave. If you are able to exercise everyday then this could help you build a routine. With dogs, a routine is good for them. It keeps them calm. It can help you get a routine too. Routines are important because they help with coping with stress.

Dogs can help with a routine and dealing with stress. It is important to take care of yourself and your needs. Dogs are way to help with that. But if you don’t like dogs and you’re more of a cat person, then cats are able to provide similar help.

4 Of the Oddest Things Found In A Storage Unit


            Generally, it is difficult to break into a storage unit. There are cameras everywhere. The tenants have locks on the units. It is possible, but the timing has to be right. Dennis was able to find the perfect time to steal from a storage unit. In 2011, Dennis decided that he would steal from a storage units. There weren’t many people around, so this made it easier for him to get in. But Dennis forgot that some storage facilities have security guards. While Dennis was filling his bag with the items, a security guard came around and saw that this unit was open. The security guard tried to open the door more, but wasn’t able to. Since he wasn’t able to open the unit up more, he closed the door. The security guard didn’t know that he locked Dennis in the unit. Later on, the security guard heard some noises from this unit and called the police. When they opened up the unit, they found Dennis there. This was lucky for them. When it comes to burglaries, it is usually hard to catch the culprit. This could be because we don’t know what they look like or they’re good at being a burglar. But this storage facility got lucky and was able to catch the culprit.


            In 2011, a rocket was found in a storage unit. Allen Haff and Clinton Jones, hosts of the TV: Show Auction Hunters, bid for a unit in Florida. After they bid $1,500 for the unit, Haff and Jones started to load up their truck. They would donate, sell, or trash the items that were in the storage unit. This storage unit was a little different though. They had found a NASA countdown clock and rocket. Haff and Jones took this rocket to space memorabilia expert, to see if it was authentic or not. When Nasa saw the items, they did not ask for them back. We are not informed on why they didn’t want them back.

Human leg

            There are many strange things that can be found in a storage unit, but this might be one of the strangest items that was found. In 2004, John Wood had to amputate his leg. Instead of discarding the leg, he decided to keep it. This was because he wanted to be buried with it. So, he kept in a backyard barbecue, in a storage unit. But he wasn’t able to keep on paying the fees for the unit. In 2007, Shannon Whisnant won the bid for Wood’s unit. When Whisnant saw the leg, he went and gave it to the police. The police gave it to a funeral home. The funeral home was able to get in contact with Wood. Wood wanted his leg back, but Whisnant had a different idea in mind. Whisnant tried to persuade Wood to make money off of the leg. Whisnant wanted to put the leg on display, so people could pay money to see it. But Wood didn’t want any part of this. Whisnant and Wood went to court over the leg. The judge decided that the leg would go back to Wood.


            On her deathbed, Bobbie Hancock had confessed that their grandmother’s remains were in a storage unit. In 2012, the family went to the storage unit and found their grandmother’s, Ann Bunch, casket. Bobbie said that she put the casket into the storage unit because she was unable to bury her. Her reasoning was that there was a rainstorm and a broken truck. But Bobbie’s family thinks that she put the casket in the storage unit because she was having a hard time dealing with the death of her mother. She didn’t want to let go of her mothers. A reason for this is because Bobbie was a hoarder. Bobbie was born during the Great Depression and live in poverty. The items that she did gave her comfort. It could have been a combination of all these reasons. We are not informed if the grandmother was put to rest.




3 Of the Most Famous War Dogs


            Nemo was a German Shepherd that fought during the Vietnam War. He was born in 1962. Two years later, Nemo started his career with the Air Force. In 1966, his handler Bryant and him went to Vietnam. They were assigned to the Security Squadron, at Tan Son Nhut Air Base. A few months later, Byrant rotated back to the US, while Nemo was paired with different handlers. He was paired with Robert Thorneburg. In December, Thorneburg and Nemo went onto patrol, away from base. Soon after, Nemo sensed that there were enemy soldiers around. He informed Thorneburg. Thorneburg tried to inform his base that he was under attack, but it was too late. The enemy soldiers started to shoot at Nemo and him. Thorneburg let Nemo go and started to fire back at the enemy soldiers. Nemo would alert Thorneburg when there was another enemy soldier. But during all this, Thorneburg and Nemo were both hit. Thorneburg was hit in the shoulder. Nemo was shot in the nose. This affected his eye, but Nemo didn’t stop fighting. He went to attack the enemy soldier. This gave enough time for Thorneburg to call for help. After Thorneburg called for help, he became unconscious. Nemo crawled to his handler and laid on top of him. This was to protect his handler from harm. When the other soldiers were able to come, Nemo would not move off of THorneburg. This is because Nemo was trained to stay with his handler and keep him safe. But a former handler was able to remove Nemo. They both got medical help and survived this event. Nemo’s right eye was taken out. Thorneburg’s shoulder never fully healed. Thorneburg and Nemo were reunited in a hospital. This was the last time they would ever see each other. Soon after, Nemo was retired. He had a kennel in Lackland Air Force Base, in San Antonio. This is where he later passed away, at the age of 11 years old. His kennel is kept there as a memorial to him.




            Stubby, one of the most famous war dogs. Stubby was said to be a Pitbull mix. But there are still disagreements about what type of breed Stubby was. He was an abandoned dog, found wandering on Yale University campus. The soldiers, in training, took a liking to her. Later on, the soldiers were deployed to France. Stubby ended up going with them. We aren’t informed on how he got there. But it is said that Cpl. John Robert Conroy snuck Stubby on to the ship. When Stubby was found, he was able to stay on the ship. This was because when the captain of the ship found him, he saluted to him. Stubby had his heroic moments, while in France. One time, Stubby was able to save an entire division. He had located a German spy, but this was not his only talent.  He was also able to learn how to find bombs and inform the soldier about them. Stubby ran through the trenches, to inform the soldiers if there was going to be a gas attack. He would go out into no-man’s land and stand by the injured soldiers. He didn’t only alert the soldiers of bombs and gas attacks. He also gave the soldiers comfort and support. But Stubby was not always the easiest dog to take care of. He would wander off for weeks, but would always come back. The soldiers would worry about where he was off to, but he would always come back. Even when the soldiers were moving around, Stubby was able to find then. He even found his way back, after being ‘adopted’ by a French soldier. Stubby had successful exploits. But he did not escape without any wounds. He even got gassed. But in 1926, Stubby passed away, in Conroy’s arms. He is not forgotten though. He is displayed at the Smithsonian Institution. There was a movie that came out called “Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero”.




            Smoky (Yorkshire Terrier) was the tiniest war dog that has ever served. Her story starts in a jungle, in New Guinea. The soldiers heard some noises and went to go look for what was making the noise. They found Smoky in a foxhole. Her name became Smoky because of her grey, smoke-like fur. The soldier that found her ended up selling her to Corporal William A. Wynne from Ohio. The reason the soldier sold Smoky was because he needed money for poker. Wynne accepted the dog and started training her. He trained Smoky to dance and sing. She would keep the soldiers entertained. She would even go visit hospitals and entertain the injured soldiers. Smoky was a good distraction for the soldiers. But this doesn’t mean that she wasn’t serious about her job. One of Smoky’s famous exploits was on Philippine Island. Smoky pulled a telegraph wire through a small 70-foot pipe. This saved construction time and kept the workers and engineers safe. This was only one of exploits that Smoky did. She also participated in 12 combat missions, survived a Typhoon, survived over 150 air raids, and parachuted from 30 feet in the air. The parachute was made for her. But in 1957, Smoky unexpectedly died. She did not die alone, she was in Wynne’s arms when she passed. The life that Smoky lived was not an easy one, but she was always loyal to her owner and the soldiers. To this day, Smoky is not forgotten. She has a memorial, located in Cleveland Metroparks.


Some Of The Strangest Things Found In Storage Units


            When it comes to animals and storage units, one would think that they do not go along with each other. But to our surprise, there are people that have stored animals in self-storage units. The most common animals that are found in the storage units are cockroaches and snakes. This could be because the animals find their way into the storage unit and can’t get out. The other reason that these live animals are in the storage facility is because the people chose to store the animals. It is confusing on why people choose to pay to have their animals stored. Some of these tenants have abandoned the units and left the animals there. The employees where in for a surprise. It is surprising finding live animals in the unit. But imagine opening up a storage unit and finding a lion staring at you. This would scare anyone, but don’t worry the animal is not alive. It was a taxidermy lion. There have been many instances that employees have found taxidermy animals in the storage units. Most of the time people will store their taxidermy animal in their house. But there are reasons on why someone would move it to a storage unit. Once could be that they didn’t want it in their house anymore, but still wanted to keep it.

Extra Fact: Most of the taxidermy animals were once pets.

Hobbies or businesses

            When it comes to jobs or hobbies, it is possible to run the job or hobby inside a storage unit.  This meaning that you use your storage unit to store extra product. It is not uncommon to do this. But there was someone who had chocolate making equipment in a storage unit. It was known as ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ unit. The employee had to ask the tenant to leave because the food could have attracted animals into the storage facility. But I am unsure on who wants to buy chocolate that was made in a storage unit. This does not seem very sanitary.

            Theater is another job that uses a lot of props and sometimes they aren’t always being used. There are times where a theater company will only do the play once and then they will have all these props. They don’t want to get rid of it because they might end up doing the play again, but they are unsure. So they will end up storing the items. Someone once found a 7 foot tall horse in a storage unit. If you have read the Odyssey then you would know that this big horse is a copy of the Trojan horse, talked about in the book. This horse can be only used in this play because there aren’t any other plays/stories that talk about a large horse.


            Collecting items is not an uncommon thing to do. There are a few reasons that one might want to collect. It might be because the items bring them enjoyment. Another reason could be that it has been passed down from families. Whatever the reason is, collecting items is supposed to be fun and shouldn’t harm anyone. One of the oddest collections found in a storage unit was light bulbs. They found all different size light bulbs. They were from all different decades of time. The light bulbs weren’t damaged, but they weren’t worth much. It did not let us know if the lightbulbs actually worked or what they did with it.

            Another popular item to collect is items from movies, events, or famous people. This could be because the person has a fascination with the subject. Even some actors keep the costume or an item from the show they were in. This is not uncommon. In the 70s, there was an actor that collected items from his own shows. For someone who doesn’t know about the show, we would think that it wasn’t a big deal. But some movie fanatics said that the items he kept were some interesting items. Some of them were a bill of sale for a famous horse and a canoe.

Wise Winter Weather Yard Tips

When Old Man Winter comes calling, home owners need to keep everyone in the family – pets included – safe. Here are some timely tips to do just that!

Bring Pets Inside – Dogs and cats should be kept indoors during cold weather. Wipe their paws and bellies after they have been outside.

Ventilate Portable Generators – If using a generator, place it outdoors away from windows and doors to keep carbon monoxide out.

Pick Up Debris – Remove debris and household items from your yard before it snows. Such items can hide under the snow and cause harm to people, pets & equipment.

Clear a Path – Clear your driveway, sidewalks, patio and deck. This also helps give pets a path to their bathroom area.

Trim Trees Carefully – Put your weight on both feet when using a chainsaw. Hold the saw with both hands and adjust your stance so you are angled away from the blade..

Watch Where You Throw – Keep kids and pets away from snowblowers. Never put your hand in the chute or auger to clear a blockage. Turn the machine off and always use a clean-out tool.