Historic Folks or Mythical Legends?

History can be a funny thing, filled with names of folks and deeds that might never have existed or occurred except in folklore. We all know at least a little about such figures as William Tell, King Arthur, John Henry and many others. Some scholars, however, are convinced that they did not exist, that they are myths or legends handed down through folklore. Reader’s Digest provided a look at some of the most notable examples.

King Arthur
The best place for “”happy-ever-after” feelings is the kingdom of Camelot, ruled by King Arthur, who leaned on the advice of the wizard Merlin to lead the Knights of the Round Table. Except he likely is fictional: The tale was popularized in stories dating back to the 800s and it served as the inspiration for Alfred Lord Tennyson’s epic poem, Idylls of the King. Scholars aren’t sure if these works are based on a real man or on folklore. The legendary King Arthur may have been based on a real warrior who led British armies during the fifth or sixth century. He also may have been the inspiration for historical writings about a warrior king, but no one can confirm whether those were about the mythic Arthur or if he even existed at all.

Even if you can’t remember exactly what the Pythagorean Theorem is about (triangles!), you’ve probably heard of the famous math equation. It’s possible that the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras wasn’t even the first to come up with it – it may have been the Egyptians. If Pythagoras did exist, he didn’t leave any records that he himself wrote, and the accounts that do remain may have been written by his somewhat unreliable followers.

Robin Hood
Robin Hood is most famous for stealing from the rich to give to the poor, but the fair-minded outlaw might only exist as a fictional hero. Medieval scholars turned up records of criminals named “Robehod” and “Rabunhod,” but they’re not sure who they were or how they got their names. What they do know is that stories about outlaws who buck the system seem to have been popular throughout history. Everyone roots for Robin Hood!

Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu is the author of the best-selling strategy guide The Art of War. The ancient book is believed to have been written in the fourth or fifth century, but no one knows for sure. And its age hasn’t stopped it from being consulted and employed by contemporary generals and CEOs. No one is sure if the Chinese military mastermind actually existed, or if the strategy classic was a compilation of Chinese wisdom gathered by many across time and then attributed to a single author.

The famous poet, supposed writer of the iconic literary works the Odyssey and the Iliad, may not have existed at all, argue scholars. They believe Homer was created out of a cultural need for an author for these great Greek myths. The works were possibly written much earlier than scholars originally believed and compiled by many authors across time through oral traditions.

Mulan is the iconic Chinese warrior that Disney animated. This inspiring young woman is a figure in a beloved Chinese folktale that dates back to the fifth century. There are multiple versions of the tale of a girl who takes her father’s place as a warrior because he’s too old to fight. She usually hides her identity and leads an army to victory. But most scholars agree that there’s no evidence such a woman existed.

William Tell
William Tell is the famous Swiss archer who was forced to shoot an apple off his son’s head by a despot. Tell’s arrow didn’t miss, and the Swiss point to the heroic act as the start of Switzerland’s movement to become an independent nation. Although the event is supposed to have taken place in 1307 A.D., researchers haven’t been able to find evidence that the story or the man are more than an inspiring myth.

Betty Crocker
You think of her as the classic kitchen goddess who knows everything about baking. Unfortunately, she’s not a real person. The company that became General Mills invented her to answer consumer queries. The surname Crocker came from a company director, and Betty was considered a “friendly sounding name.” Soon the persona became a reliable and beloved expert on cooking and recipes.

John Henry
The superhuman railroad man was a little too good to be true: The John Henry ballads sprang out of the post-Civil War era when the railroads were being built and America aimed to become a titan of industry. Henry was said to be a former slave who challenged a steam drill to a race and won, only to die shortly after. The story highlights grit and determination, but evidence of a real John Henry is hard to find. He seems to be a composite of many stories featuring citizens who embodied the fearless spirit that America wanted to project.

Uncle Sam
You know him as the top-hatted, patriotically dressed, gray-haired guy on the “I want you” recruiting posters. The figure was inspired by a real guy – a businessman who supplied army provisions and was nicknamed Uncle Sam. Soldiers during the war of 1812 would joke that their food came from ‘Uncle Sam,” but they weren’t referring to the distributor – more so to the actual army. The nickname usage spread, especially in newspapers, and Uncle Sam became the familiar popular figure by World War I.

Airlines Have an Alcohol Problem

One of the few remaining pleasures of commercial air travel is a cold pint post-security or a Bloody Mary to quell in-flight nerves. But for flight attendants and the airlines they work for, the grand tradition of drinking while traveling causes a host of problems that some blame on airports and which the airlines are intent on cracking down on.

European low cost carrier Ryanair is leading the charge. In a recent incident a flight from Dublin to Ibiza had to be diverted to Paris to de-plane a trio of drunk and disruptive. The airline has since announced that it will be lobbying for new restrictions on drinking in airports.

The proposed measures include a ban on serving alcohol before 10 a.m., which is common in European airports, and a two drink maximum in airport bars. Similar measures have been called for by fellow low cost carrier Jet 2 and by Aer Lingus which said they would turn away visibly inebriated passengers at the gate.

In a statement, Ryanair said that “It’s completely unfair that airports can profit from the unlimited sale of alcohol to passengers and leave the airlines to deal with the safety consequences.” They added that, because their flights are so short, it is rarely the case that passengers become problematically drunk on the plane; rather, intoxication usually begins before boarding. The airline had already previously banned the consumption of duty-free liquor on their flights, a practice which already is banned in many countries anyway, including the US.

It’s not just a European problem. The Wall Street Journal recently reported on a May incident when an American Airlines flight attendant was on the receiving end of a vicious tirade after refusing to serve a passenger another beer. In an opinion piece calling for the banning of alcohol in the cabin, the opinion piece noted that when asked flight attendants overwhelmingly supported a ban on in-flight alcohol.

The FBI said reports of sexual assaults that take place during commercial flights have increased an “alarming” 66% between the years of 2014 and 2017. CNN said an FBI representative told reporters that a majority of offenses happen “on red-eye overnights, flights of three hours or more where cabin lights might be darkened, and/or instances where alcohol is being consumed.”

For frequent fliers who enjoy a drink, it may seem inconceivable that the future of flight might run dry. And indeed for airlines and airports – who gain a not-insignificant revenue stream from selling alcoholic beverages – removing the drinks may bear too high a cost.

A Teacher’s Great Summer Ideas

Betsy Eggart, a Pensacola, Fla., mom and teacher, believes kids should take a break from worksheets and equations over the summer and instead focus on resting and recharging for next year.

Many teachers send students home for summer vacation with worksheets and equations to tackle, But Eggart thinks outside of the box with her approach to keep kids sharp over the long break. Call it “the non-summer packet, summer packet.”

The R.C. Lipscomb Elementary School first-grade teacher posted her concept to Facebook where it quickly went viral. Eggart, 36, encourages parents to get back to some of the basics of life with their kids like tying shoes, behaving at the dinner table and putting away the iPhones and iPads to spend quality, uninterrupted time together. The teacher of 13 years also reminds parents of the importance of slowing down and letting kids rest and relax so they’re not burned out by the next school year.

The mother of two, an 8-year-old and a 1-year-old, says “I feel like when we just keep going and going and going, we hit a wall, and I think as adults we know that. We know for ourselves when we’ve been through a really busy season at work we hit a wall, and our kids do, too.”

Eggart offers some pointed advice within the post that she thinks could help children develop both in school and everyday life.

1. Teach Your Child How To Tie Their Shoes. Eggart encouraged parents to: Find a fun trick! Watch a video! Give an incentive! Be persistent! “Just make sure your child isn’t the one dragging their laces through the bathroom and cafeteria then asking the teacher to tie it” she wrote.

2. Establish A Regular Bedtime. “If we keep our bodies in a routine with sleep, August won’t hit quite so hard,” Eggart wrote. That’s good advice for both parents and kids!

3. Find A Pen Pal. Whether to a close friend or distant family member, “Writing with a purpose makes it relevant and real for your child,” Eggart said.

4. Have Dinner Together. Better yet, try to have dinner together every night.

5. Practice Being Kind. This is perhaps the easiest and most important assignment on Eggart’s list.

6. Let Your Child Make Mistakes. “Our children need us. But they need us to let them learn to problem solve,” she wrote, “if your child is in a situation that is frustrating, but not harmful (example: can’t put together a new toy, can’t open a Lunchable, can’t decide which color shirt to wear) let them work it out! It saves time and our nerves to just do it! But in the long run, it’s crippling our children of the basic and necessary skill to problem solve and think through an issue … for themselves. Hang back … just a bit. They’ll be OK!”

7. Read To Your Child. “I can’t encourage reading enough!” Eggart said. “Please visit the library and make books a part of your summer days. Most importantly, let your child see you read- to yourself and to them.”

8. Put Down Your Phone. “We could spend this summer scrolling through strangers’ vacation pictures wishing we had their reality,” Eggart wrote, “or we could be chasing our reality through the sprinkler in our own backyard.” It’s your call.

9. Take A Moment To Relax Every Once In A While. “Be OK with not constantly going somewhere,” Eggart challenged families, adding: “Boredom gives way to creativity. Rest renews our bodies and our minds for all the next school year has in store.”

Behind the Brand Names

You’re sporting your favorite Nike sneakers and Lululemon pants as you head to the mall to shop at the Gap. En route you grab a latte at Starbucks. After a few good hours of shopping, you head to Panera to meet a friend for lunch. You Venmo her for the meal and you both decide dessert is in the cards: Next stop, Häagen-Dazs.

All these brands are staples in our lives. But do you have any idea what their names actually mean?

You might think these corporate brand names were all made up by professional marketers, or company executives huddled for hours or days to come up with them. But, as Business Insider tells us, most came from much simpler beginnings.

Here’s a guide to the origins and meanings of some of the popular brand names we all know.

Adidas isn’t an acronym for ‘All Day I Dream About Soccer’
It turns out the athletics-apparel brand is named after its founder, Adolf Dassler, who started making sport shoes when he came back from serving in World War I, according to the LA Times. The name combines his nickname, Adi, and the first three letters of his last name.

Amazon was named after the world’s biggest river
When Amazon was launched in 1995, founder Jeff Bezos had a different idea for his brand name. Bezos wanted to call his online bookstore Cadabra, according to Brad Stone’s book about the company. But Amazon’s first lawyer, Todd Tarbert, managed to convince him that the name sounded too similar to “Cadaver.” Bezos is also said to have favored the name Relentless, and if you visit Relentless.com today, you’ll be redirected to Amazon’s website, Business Insider reported. Finally, Bezos settled on Amazon, named after the largest river in the world, and incorporated an image of the river in the company’s first logo.

ASOS is an abbreviation of AsSeenOnScreen
The British online retailer was founded as AsSeenOnScreen in 1999 and lived at asseenonscreen.com. The abbreviation ASOS – which is pronounced ACE-OSS – quickly caught on, and the website was shortened to asos.com.

Gap refers to the generation gap between adults and kids
The first Gap store opened in 1969 with the goal of selling good jeans. The name referred to the generation gap between adults and kids.

Gatorade was developed for the Florida Gators
A team of doctors at the University of Florida developed the sports drink for the Florida Gators football players, who were struggling to play in the heat.

Google owes its name to a typo
Google’s name emerged from a brainstorming session at Stanford University. Founder Larry Page was coming up with ideas for a massive data-index website with other graduate students, Business Insider reported. One of the suggestions was “googolplex” one of the largest describable numbers. The name ‘Google’ came about after one of the students accidentally spelled it wrong. Page then registered his company with this name.

Häagen-Dazs may sound Danish, but it’s completely made up
Reuben Mattus, a Jewish immigrant from Poland, named his ice-cream company Häagen-Dazs as a way to pay tribute to Denmark, according to an interview with the Jewish news publication Tablet Magazine. But the name doesn’t actually mean anything. “The only country which saved the Jews during World War II was Denmark, so I put together a totally fictitious Danish name and had it registered,” Mattus said. “Häagen-Dazs doesn’t mean anything. (But) it would attract attention, especially with the umlaut.”

IKEA isn’t a Swedish word that you don’t understand.
Founder Ingvar Kamprad chose the brand name by combining the initials of his own name, IK, with the first letters of the farm and village, where grew up in southern Sweden: Elmtaryd and Agunnaryd.

J.C. Penney is named after its founder, whose name is just too good to be true
With a name like James Cash Penney, it’s as if the retail founder was born to make money.

J. Crew’s name set it up to compete with Ralph Lauren’s Polo line
According to Forbes, “The name Crew was picked to compete with Ralph Lauren’s Polo label and (founder Arthur) Cinader added the J because he thought it added (cachet).” Makes sense. Polo and crew are both pretty preppy sports.

Lululemon means nothing at all, and it’s intentionally hard to pronounce
Lululemon founder Chip Wilson came up with the yoga-wear brand’s name because he thought Japanese people wouldn’t be able to pronounce it. He wrote in 2009: “It was thought that a Japanese marketing firm would not try to create a North American sounding brand with the letter ‘L’ because the sound does not exist in Japanese phonetics. By including an ‘L’ in the name it was thought the Japanese consumer would find the name innately North American and authentic. In essence, the name ‘lululemon’ has no roots and means nothing other than it has 3 ‘L’s’ in it. Nothing more and nothing less.” A Lululemon representative said the brand’s name was chosen from a list of 20 brand names and 20 logos by a group of 100 people.

McDonald’s is named after two brothers who ran a burger restaurant
Raymond Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s, was a milkshake machine salesman when he first met brothers Dick and Mac McDonald, who ran a burger restaurant in San Bernardino, California. The McDonald brothers bought several of his Kroc’s Multimixers and he was so impressed by their burger restaurant that he became their agent and set up franchises around the U.S., Money reported. Years later, he bought rights to the McDonald’s name.

Monsanto is the middle name of the founder’s wife
Agrochemical company Monsanto was founded in 1901 by John F. Queeny. He named the business after his wife, Olga Monsanto Queeny.

Panera is a portmanteau of the words ‘pan’ and ‘era’
According to Panera’s Facebook page, the sandwich chain’s name “has Latin and Spanish roots.” In Spanish, “pan” means bread and “era” means age or time. So put together, Panera means “age of bread.”
Ron Shaich, the founder of Panera, also told Fortune the name comes from the Latin word for breadbasket.

Pepsi was named after the medical term for indigestion
Pepsi inventor Caleb Davis Bradham originally wanted to be a doctor, but a family crisis meant that he left medical school and became a pharmacist instead, according to the company website. His original invention, known as “Brad’s Drink,” was made from a mix of sugar, water, caramel, lemon oil and nutmeg. Three years later, Bradham renamed his drink, which he believed aided digestion, to “Pepsi-Cola,” taken from the word dyspepsia, meaning indigestion.

A genie whispered ‘Rolex’ in the founder’s ear
Hans Wilsdorf, founder of Rolex, wanted a brand name that could be said in any language. “I tried combining the letters of the alphabet in every possible way,” said Wilsdorf, according to Rolex. “This gave me some hundred names, but none of them felt quite right. One morning, while riding on the upper deck of a horse-drawn omnibus along Cheapside in the city of London, a genie whispered ‘Rolex’ in my ear.”

Soylent gets its name from a sci-fi novel
Soylent – that meal-replacement drink that’s a Silicon Valley favorite – got its name from the science-fiction novel “Make Room! Make Room!” which is about how population growth depletes the world’s natural resources. In the book, soylent is a blend of soybeans and lentils.

Starbucks is named after a character in ‘Moby-Dick’
In an interview with The Seattle Times, Starbucks co-founder Gordon Bowker told the story of how they arrived at the name. At first, they were going through a list of words beginning with “st” because they thought those were powerful. “Somebody somehow came up with an old mining map of the Cascades and Mount Rainier, and there was an old mining town called Starbo,” he said. “As soon as I saw Starbo, I, of course, jumped to Melville’s first mate (named Starbuck) in ‘Moby-Dick.'”

Under Armour decided to use the British spelling because it made a better phone number
The name Under Armour came about somewhat accidentally, according to The Washington Post’s interview with CEO Kevin Plank. Plank said he had landed on the name Body Armor, but couldn’t get the name trademarked. He told The Post: “I was a bit dejected, but I had lunch plans that afternoon with my oldest brother, Bill. So, I show up to pick him up, knock on the door, and he looks down at me the way only an older brother can look at a younger brother, and he asks, “How’s that company you’re working on, uhh … Under Armor?” So how did Under Armour end up with that weird spelling? “The reason we added the ‘U’ in ‘Armour’ is that I was skeptical at the time about whether this whole internet thing would stick,” Plank told The Post. “So I thought the phone number 888-4ARMOUR was much more compelling than 888-44ARMOR. I wish there was a little more science or an entire marketing study behind it, but it was that simple.”

Venmo was inspired by a dead language
Andrew Kortina, founder of the digital-payments app, writes on Quora: “When we were brainstorming names, one of the roots we were exploring for inspiration was the Latin, vendo/vendere, ‘to sell.’ As soon as we said venmo, we liked it because it was short and made for a good verb: ‘Just Venmo me for dinner.'”

Verizon stems from the latin word Veritas, meaning ‘truth’
Verizon was the product of a merger between Bell Atlantic and GTE, both telecommunications companies. The name is a mix between the latin word “veritas” meaning “truth,” and horizon, which is meant to signify that the brand is forward-looking.

Wawa is named after an area of Pennsylvania
The convenience-store chain’s name means two things: 1. It’s the name of the area in Pennsylvania where the company’s first dairy farm was located. 2. It’s an American Indian word for a Canada Goose – the one pictured in the company’s logo.

Zara came from Zorba, its original name
Zara founder Amancio Ortega originally named his company after the 1964 film “Zorba the Greek.” But this didn’t last long.The first store, which opened in La Coruña in 1975, happened to be two blocks down from a bar called Zorba, The New York Times reported. Ortega had already made the mold for the letters of his sign when the bar owner told him that it was too confusing for them to have the same name. In the end, Ortega ended up rearranging the letters to make the closest word he could come up with – hence Zara, according to The New York Times.

Get Away to Lake Country

Recently, we wrote about some fabulous, exotic spots for a July vacation, some of them halfway around the world. Here are some much closer to home lakeside vacation spots that offer fabulous summer vacation times.

Sandpoint, Idaho – Perched on Lake Pend Oreille, Sandpoint will gladly play host to your boating, wakeboarding, fishing, kayaking and paddleboarding adventures. Here, you can also dig your feet into a yoga class on the beach or lace up for hiking on Schweitzer Mountain. Every August, Sandpoint throws The Festival, two weeks of music, art and grub, all on the pristine shores of the lake. Check into a lakefront bungalow at Dover Bay, which gives you easy access to nine miles of walking and biking trails hugging the forests, wetlands and waters of the lake. Then, raise a glass of Huckleberry Cream Ale at Laughing Dog Brewery and toast a day well spent. Wow your companions at the Floating Restaurant in nearby Hope, which is exactly what it sounds like, with insane wild huckleberry pancakes at Sunday brunch.

Mountain View, California – Dubbed the “Best-Kept Secret in Silicon Valley,” Mountain View is a sporty town about an hour outside of San Francisco. Start with a trip to the Boathouse for yoga, windsurfing, Olympic class sailing lessons and more. Ditch your suit and rent a bike at the Boathouse to survey the sloughs and salt flats that feed into San Francisco Bay. Fuel up at Tied House (grab a keg to go) or Cascal, for Pan-Latin tapas. Come nightfall, give your sore muscles a rest at Dinah’s Garden Hotel, an art-filled mainstay since the 1950s. If you can time your visit, catch a show at Shoreline Amphitheater which will host acts like Dead & Company, Weezer, Chris Stapleton, and Dave Matthews Band this summer.

Kenosha, Wisconsin – Conveniently located between Milwaukee and Chicago, this unassuming dot on the map has the best catch rates for salmon and trout on Lake Michigan. This summer boasts several festival draws, ranging from Taste of Wisconsin in July to Cheese-A-Palooza in September. When you’re done relaxing at one of the town’s five beaches, climb a lighthouse at the Southport Light Station Museum or hop aboard one of Kenosha’s electric streetcars along the shores of Lake Michigan. Beer lovers will be pleased to learn of and drink at Kenosha’s three small-batch brewers, Public Craft Brewing Co., R’Noggin Brewing Co. and Rustic Road Brewing Co.

Sandusky, Ohio – Parasailing and airboating are two items to check off your Lake Erie bucket list. Amusement park enthusiasts should carve out a day for Cedar Point, which debuted the record-breaking Steel Vengeance coaster this spring. Meanwhile, motorcyclists flood the place every Memorial Day Weekend, during which Sandusky hosts Ohio Bike Week, the largest motorcycle event in the Midwest.
Unwind at Hotel Kilbourne, a waterfront boutique hotel known for the craveworthy OH Taco and its water views. For something different, catch a ferry from downtown Sandusky to the Lake Erie Islands a few minutes away. Favorites include Kelleys Island for the Glacial Grooves geological wonder and Put-in-Bay on Middle Bass Island, home to the what’s billed as the world’s longest bar, Beer Barrel Saloon and Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial, from which you can pretty much see Canada.

Bloomington, Indiana – It may not elicit the name recognition of Crater Lake or Lake Tahoe, but Lake Monroe is Indiana’s biggest body of water, boasting a 10,750-acre surface area and surrounded by woodsy terrain and back country trails in Hoosier National Forest. Set out for the day with a boat rental from Fourwinds Marina or grab a kayak or paddleboard with Lake Monroe Boat Rental. Rainy day? Try indoor climbing at Hoosier Heights or blow off steam at Urban Air trampoline park, followed by an excursion to Upland Brewery’s The Wood Shop, a tasting room and production center devoted entirely to sours. If you’re not staying at Fourwinds on the waterfront, we’d point you towards a cabin at Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Camp-Resort or Acorn Resort. It’s a find on Airbnb with a hot tub, pizza oven and an inviting common area for you and up to 11 pals.

Moneta, Virginia – Old Dominion’s largest lake, Smith Mountain Lake, spans 500 miles of shoreline and three counties. Kick off your vacation at Bridgewater Plaza, a bustling marina with putt-putt, art galleries and plenty of restaurants. When you’ve wrapped up a guided fishing tour or are all spent from your day, enjoy dinner aboard the Virginia Dare, a 19th century-style sidewheeler cruise. When you’re ready for rest, find salvation at Gills Creek Marina & Lodge. Once you’re feeling restored, give yourself a jolt of energy at Homestead Creamery’s Farm Market or swap sweets for ‘shine at Franklin County Distilleries to sample moonshine in the tasting room. For craft beer fans, a necessary pit-stop is the beer garden or pub at Sunken City Brewery named for the flooding that took place over 50 years go to make Smith Mountain Lake.

Horseshoe Bay, Texas – This Hill Country getaway is only about an hour outside of Austin, but you’ll feel eons away from the rush of city life. Slip into the vacation mindset at Horseshoe Bay Resort, perched on Lake Lyndon B. Johnson. Tee off at one of three celebrated golf courses, with views overlooking the lake. Once you’ve earned your liquor, head to Save the World Brewing Co. in Marble Falls or book a coach tour to some of the more than 30 wineries within 90 minutes of Horseshoe Bay. For lakeside afternoons, the full-service marina can hook you up with pontoon boats, ski boats, kayak rentals and more or hop aboard a sunset cruise before dinner at the resort’s Yacht Club, where you can dock your ride a few steps away at the boat slip.

Duluth, Minnesota – Navigate the rocky ridgeline above gin-clear Lake Superior on the Superior Hiking Trail. If you have the time, hit some of the 93 free back country campsites and conquer the entire 310-mile-long trail. You might want to book the Split Rock Lighthouse kayak tour with Positive Energy Outdoors. The largest freshwater lake in America also plays host to many summer festivals, including the All Pints North Summer Brew Festival in July and the Bayfront Blues Festival in August. Not into festivals? Soak up North Shore views of the lake at The New Scenic Cafe, whose regularly changing menu highlights some of the best of Minnesota’s wines. A must-visit while in town is Vikre Distillery, which in addition to using local grains and Minnesota oak barrels, distills its gin, aquavit and seasonal spirits with water from Lake Superior. When all that activity and lakefront imbibing tires you out, catch ZZZs at one of Duluth’s many campgrounds or Pier B Resort, where you can spy ships in the Duluth-Superior Harbor or park your boat in their private docking area.

Santa Rosa, California – A trip to Sonoma County doesn’t have to be all about wine. Instead, venture to 350-acre Spring Lake, a veritable Arcadia complete with oak woodlands, meadows and the blossoming of wildflowers in the spring and summer. From Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend, the Spring Lake Swimming Lagoon offers free admission for both lap swimming and water play at the floating water park. Cool off in the shade of redwoods before diving into a plate of cheesy garlic bread and a pint of its renowned Pliny the Elder at the Russian River Brew Pub. This summer, enjoy Funky Fridays beside the Historic Hood Mansion with live music. Another big draw: this June’s Country Summer Music Festival featuring Florida Georgia Line, Little Big Town, Toby Keith, Maren Morris and others. While in town, also be sure to hang up your swim trunks for an afternoon and meander through Historic Railroad Square for a booze-filled time of sipping wine and cider at tasting rooms, and hitting up a farmers’ market. Lug your produce back to an Airbnb for a cookout, or stay in the square at Hotel La Rose, which first opened its doors in 1907.

Kirkland, Washington – Start summer vacation off right at Bottle and Bull, an Ernest Hemingway-inspired restaurant with a killer happy hour menu and smoked trout ravioli that will linger in your memory long after the last bite. Only 12 miles outside of Seattle, the eastern shore of Lake Washington provides visitors a small-town feel, with plenty to do. If you’re missing your workouts back home, consider torching your core with a paddleboard yoga class with Northwest Paddle Surfers, who also are boat rental outfitters. When thirst for an adult beverage calls, tackle The Cross Kirkland Corrdior, a nearly six-mile biking and walking route that connects you to Flycaster Brewing, Maelstrom Brewing and Chainline Brewery. For lakefront vistas, post up at Woodmark Hotel, which also has a spa and two restaurants begging for a sunset meal, Beach Cafe and Bin on the Lake. If you’re more of a downtowner, book at The Heathman Hotel, close to galleries, wineries, restaurants and shops.

Great Spots for an Exotic July Vacation

A posh Italian resort town, a summer ski trip and some other getaways are perfect summer destinations. Put these spots on your “must go” list.

Cartagena, Colombia – Planning a trip to Cartagena in July is a no-brainer. A number of airlines offer direct flights from New York at just under 5 hours. With no time difference, visiting the seaside city over a long weekend is easier than ever. What’s more, you’ll avoid the crowds that flock to the bustling port during the holidays, and also have your pick of great hotels. Among the best are Casa San Agustin, Hotel Charleston Santa Teresa and Tcherassi Hotel & Spa. All are located within the walls of the old city.

Lake Como, Italy – There’s no better time than July for a bucket list-worthy trip to Lake Como. You really can’t go wrong any week of the month. Book a room at the iconic Villa d’Este and you’ll feel right at home: the hotel has been hosting a July 4th Gala for its American guests to enjoy since the 1920s, complete with a cocktail party, gala dinner, dance performance and, of course, fireworks on the lake. Don’t be surprised if your fellow attendees aren’t from the US – as it turns out, non-American visitors love participating in the revelry too. It’s a great celebration.

French Polynesia – July is one of the most festive times to vacation in the South Pacific because Bastille Day celebrations are in full swing. Locals and tourists partake in the Heiva festival which includes drumming, dancing, singing and rowing competitions. With more than 100 islands to choose from, you can’t go wrong when deciding where to stop first, but The Brando, a private island located on a three-mile wide lagoon, is widely considered the area’s most luxe resort. Between snorkeling, sunbathing and meditating on pristine beaches, the exotic getaway is truly an escape you won’t find anywhere else in the world.

Kenya, East Africa – July marks the beginning of the Great Migration in Kenya, wherein wildebeests and zebras attempt to dodge the enemy – crocodiles – as they make their way across Mara River. With cooler temperatures and clear blue skies, the mid-summer month is an ideal time to experience the Kenyan safari you’ve been talking about for so long.

Zurich, Switzerland – Zurich is perfect place to visit if you enjoy traditional summer activities minus the unbearable heat. The average temperature is in the low 70’s during July, making it an ideal time to take a dip in one of the city’s 18 outdoor bathing spots. From a cultural perspective, you can immerse yourself in Swiss art while taking in the scenic view of the Alps at the lakeside sculpture festival which takes place from mid-June to the beginning of August.

Baden-Baden, Germany – Located not far from Zurich, this charming yet lively spot is known as one of the most famous spa towns in Europe. What’s best about this destination is that there’s something for everyone to enjoy. There’s Merkur Mountain for the active tourists seeking a view, art exhibits and monuments for the history buff and an endless amount of spa options for those looking to unwind. With temperatures in the mid to high 70’s, July is one of the most pleasant times to enjoy all this city has to offer.

Mount Hutt, New Zealand – It’s entirely possible to get your powder fix in the middle of summer – as long as you don’t mind flying halfway around the world. New Zealand’s ski season runs from June to mid-October, which, despite being a fairly “off-peak” travel window for tourists, promises unbelievable conditions for snow bunnies. Just two hours outside of Christchurch, you’ll find the country’s stunning southern alps – and plenty of space on the slopes.

Quebec, Canada – Travel to Quebec in July to experience the electricity of the city when it plays host to one of the world’s largest music festivals. The annual Quebec City Summer Festival takes place July 5-15 in various indoor and outdoor venues through the city. The renowned festival has come to be known for its eclectic musical selection, and this year’s line up does not disappoint. Acts range from The Weeknd and Neil Young, to The Chainsmokers and Dave Matthews Band.

Palm Beach, Florida – If you’re looking for a quiet weekend away head to Southern Florida. “People don’t realize it’s a year-round destination,” says Nick Gold, the public relations director at Eau Palm Beach Resort and Spa, who adds that during the season, hotel rates drop by 30 to 40 percent. “I think it’s one of the most underrated times to visit. Plus, it’s less crowded than the Hamptons.”

Namibia – For those seeking an isolated adventure unlike no other, this desert escape is exactly what you’ve been waiting for – thanks to the orange dunes, cobalt blue waters, and what seems to be an endless horizon. Try kayaking with seals or cruising in a houseboat while elephants and giraffes drink from the waterside. To make your experience even more unforgettable, book a lodge at the soon-to-open Omaanda Resort. The micro-village consists of 10 luxurious huts located on a private 9,000-acre wildlife reserve. Or, check out Little Kulala, where you can request that your bed be made up underneath the stars.

Science Says Being Overweight Means You Live Longer

OK, so you’re packing a few more pounds than the doctor says you should be. That just might give you some extra life. We’re not talking obese here, just a bit overweight. It’s not like you’ll live forever but doctors might not be quite honest when addressing the health risks associated with people whose BMIs – that is, Body Mass Indexes – are between 25 and 30, ranked as “overweight” on the BMI scale.

BMI is the chart healthcare professionals swear by to determine a person’s percentage of fat based on their weight and height. Doctors have lectured on and on about the dangers of being “overweight,” but it might actually be better for you to have a little extra weight than to be at a “normal” BMI.

Wikipedia says “The generally accepted view is that being overweight causes similar health problems to obesity, but to a lesser degree.” But papers regarding the dangers of being overweight, like the Journal of the American Medical Association’s paper regarding “Excess deaths associated with underweight, overweight, and obesity,” you find statements like “Overweight was not associated with excess mortality.”

In fact, the findings are that people who are overweight actually live longer than people who are in the normal weight range. Translation is that being a little overweight might be, well, normal, while being considered of normal weight by the BMI chart you might actually be mildly underweight.

While research supports the idea that people within the “overweight” category are healthier and live longer, science and the doctors who recognize this issue are still unwilling to make the call and change “overweight” to “normal” for the charts.

This also suggests that the dangers of being within that category may be grossly over-exaggerated since doctors are continually finding out that “overweight” people actually tend to live longer, healthier lives than those within the “normal” weight groups.

Of course, at some point, the more weight you put on, the worse your health will become, because obesity is still damaging to your body – high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin issues, hormonal problems and many others. But where that point actually begins has been called into question.

So if you go to the clinic and your BMI is a little higher than “acceptable” to your doctor, don’t freak out and call off carbs. You just might be within a totally healthy weight group. You might be able to enjoy a longer life than your skinnier friends.

Far from the Maddening Crowds

If you enjoy travel, but hate the crowds at the world’s most popular places, here’s a look at the 10 least-visited realms around the world. You may find the food just as delicious, but less expensive. The beaches may be more tranquil without the mob scene. And you likely will get a better deal on your hotel room.

To figure out which destinations can best give you that off-the-beaten-path experience, we took a long look at the annual United Nations World Tourism Organization’s “Tourism Highlights” for 2017. Statistics in the report are from 2016.

The UN did not have data for every country in the world, but from the reports they did have, these are the least visited countries around the globe.

Tuvalu (2,000 visitors) –Tuvalu turned out to have the absolute least number of visitors – just 2,000. The fourth smallest country in the world, the Polynesian island nation is located in the South Pacific and has a total land area of just 10 square miles. Part of Queen Elizabeth II’s Commonwealth realm, Tuvalu doesn’t have much to do outside of beach activities such as scuba diving, snorkeling, swimming and sunning. Traditional culture has been kept quite alive here, with traditional dances being performed on special occasions, particularly at town halls.

Kiribati (5,000 visitors) – The former British colony of Kiribati is a central Pacific island nation that saw just 5,000 visitors in 2016. Its beaches are pretty untouched and stunning to see, perfect for boating and yachting. Some of the islands have prominent World War II sights, having been the site of some intense fighting, and guided tours are available to see and learn about the shipwrecks and the remains of tanks, planes and amtracs. Phoenix Islands Protected Area, one of the largest marine protected areas in the world, is also located in Kiribati. There you can discover coral reefs and hundreds of species of fish.

Niue (8,000 visitors) – Niue is one of the world’s largest coral islands, with a land area of about 101 square miles. Just 8,000 people visited the country in 2016, which is impressive considering its population that year was approximately 1,600. The South Pacific island nation, located 1,500 miles northeast of New Zealand, is surrounded by a coral reef and has limestone cliffs and caves along its coast. A tropical rainforest takes up approximately 20 percent of the land area and is full of gorgeous and diverse flora and fauna. Cycling, diving, fishing, golf, kayaking and snorkeling are popular tourist activities on the island.

Montserrat (9,000 visitors) – Montserrat is a British territory in the Caribbean, measuring approximately 10 miles in length and 7 miles in width and with just 25 miles of coastline. It looks like coastal Ireland and, in fact, many Montserratians have Irish ancestry. It has been referred to as “The Emerald Isle of the Caribbean.” Montserrat was once a popular vacation spot before 1989 when Hurricane Hugo hit the island, damaging over 90 percent of its structures. In 1995, the island took another hit when the Soufrière Hills volcano erupted, burying its capital in ash and mud and forcing evacuations as well as airport and seaport closings. The island is still quite beautiful, however, and 9,000 visitors came in 2016 to enjoy its tropical forests and quiet, secluded beaches.

Marshall Islands (10,000 visitors) – Situated halfway between Hawaii and Australia, the Marshall Islands is a Pacific island nation right near the equator. The tropical climate is hot and humid. A mere 10,000 visitors made it to the country, which has suffered from flooding due to climate change as well as pollution. For a more tropical island experience, venture out to one of the outer islands.

American Samoa (20,000 visitors) – An unincorporated U.S. territory, American Samoa is another South Pacific destination, made up of five islands and two coral atolls. With an area of just under 77 square miles, it’s only slightly larger than Washington, D.C. Just 20,000 visitors came to American Samoa, which has wonderful beaches and beautiful coral reefs perfect for snorkeling, as well as a rainforest where you can go hiking in the mountains near the capital of Pago Pago.

Solomon Islands (22,000 visitors) – Located in the South Pacific Ocean, the Solomon Islands saw only 22,000 visitors. Part of the Coral Triangle, it’s a prime destination for scuba diving, which has a significant part to play in the country’s tourism industry. A lack of infrastructure has held back growth in the industry, however, and caution is advised to tourists, particularly after dark.

Micronesia (24,000 visitors) – Officially known as the Federated States of Micronesia, Micronesia has four states made up of about 607 islands located in the western Pacific Ocean, just north of the equator. Just 24,000 people visited the country, likely due to the heavy rainfall that occurs all year but particularly from June to December when typhoons pose a particular threat. Diving and swimming are popular endeavors here, and the traditional culture of the islands is also a big draw. From 1947 until 1994, its government was administered by the United States, which continues to be responsible for Micronesia’s defense; as a result, the local currency is the U.S. dollar and U.S. citizens may live and work freely there.

Sierra Leone (54,000 visitors) – Tourism in the West African country of Sierra Leone has suffered as a result of the civil war that lasted from 1991 to 2002 as well as an Ebola outbreak that lasted from 2014 to 2016. Just 54,000 visitors came to visit the country, which has just one international airport. As a result, the country has a largely unrealized potential for tourism, with fantastic beaches and an interesting colonial heritage. A Muslim-majority nation with a significant Christian minority, it’s also considered to be one of the most religiously tolerant countries in the world. Locals are known to be very welcoming of foreigners, with most of them speaking English.

San Marino (60,000 visitors) – Claiming to be the oldest sovereign state in existence as well as the oldest constitutional republic, San Marino is a landlocked microstate within north-central Italy. Just over 24 square miles and with a population of just over 33,000, San Marino received approximately 60,000 visitors in 2016. Its biggest attractions include the medieval town hall, the Cathedral of San Marino and the Three Towers of San Marino, depicted on the country’s flag and coat of arms.

Live Longer – Be a Curmudgeon!

Old age is a time of life defined by loss of vigor, increasing frailty, rising disease risk and falling cognitive faculties. Add to that the unavoidable matter of the end of consciousness and the death that draws closer and closer. It’s the rare person who can confront the final decline with flippancy or ease.

Humans are pikers in life spans compared to some other species. Jeanne Calment lived to the age of 122 years, 164 days, becoming the oldest recorded human who ever lived. She died on August 4, 1997, in Arles, France, where she had lived her entire life.

But compared to some other species, her life was short. Bowhead whales are thought to be the longest-living mammal with an estimated life span of more than 200 years. And a clam dredged from the ocean off Iceland in 2006 carried growth lines on its shell indicating it had been around since 1499. That was enough time for 185,055 generations of mayfly, which live as little as a day, to come and go. Neither clam nor fly gave a thought to that mortal math.

Humans, as far as we know, are the only species who spend their life knowing death is coming. Globally, the average life span for humans is 71.4 years; for a few lucky people, it may exceed 100 years.

Humans have made at least some progress. Life expectancy in the U.S. exceeds the global average, clocking in at just under 79 years. In Canada, it’s a bit longer at 81.9 years. In 1900, U.S. life expectancy was just over 47 years. The extra decades came courtesy of vaccines, antibiotics, sanitation and improved detection and treatment of a range of diseases. Advances in genetics and in our understanding of dementia are helping to extend our lives still further.

A recent Yale University study found that in a group of 4,765 people with an average age of 72, those who carried a gene variant linked to dementia – but also had positive attitudes about aging – were 50% less likely to develop the disorder than people who carried the gene but faced aging with more pessimism or fear.

The study suggests there may be something to be said for aging less timidly, as a sort of happy contrarian who argues when you feel like it, plays when you feel like playing. Maybe you want to pass up the quiet of the country for the churn of a city. Maybe you want to drink a little, eat a rich meal, have some sex.

“The most important advice we offer people about longevity is, ‘Throw away your lists,’” says Howard Friedman, professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside, and co-author of The Longevity Project. “We live in a self-help society full of lists: ‘lose weight, hit the gym.’ So why aren’t we all healthy? People who live a long time can work hard and play hard.” Under the right circumstances, it increasingly seems, so could all of us.

She’s hardly the only senior who loves city living. In the U.S., 80% of people ages 65 and older are now living in metropolitan areas, and according to the World Health Organization, by 2030, an estimated 60% of all people will live in cities. You may lose a little sidewalk speed and have to work harder to get up and down subway stairs, but cities increasingly rank high on both doctors’ and seniors’ lists of the best places to age gracefully.

Every year, the Milken Institute Center for the Future of Aging (CFA) ranks the best metropolitan places for successful aging, and most years, major cities sweep the top 10 spots. That’s not surprising since cities tend to have strong health systems, opportunities for continued learning, widespread public transportation and an abundance of arts and culture.

Some studies have found that friends are more important to the elderly than is family. Just as the primacy of family has been oversold as a key to long life, so has the importance of avoiding conflict or emotional upset. Shouting back at cable news is no way to spend your golden years, but passion, it turns out, may be more life-sustaining than apathy, engagement more than indifference.

In a study published by the American Aging Association, researchers analyzed data from the Georgia Centenarian Study, a survey of 285 people who were near or beyond 100 years old, as well as 273 family members and other proxies who provided information about them. The investigators were looking at how the subjects scored on various personality traits, including conscientiousness, extroversion, hostility and neuroticism.

As a group, the centenarians tested lower on neuroticism and higher on competence and extroversion. Their proxies ranked them a bit higher on neuroticism, as well as on hostility. It’s impossible to draw a straight line between those strong personality traits and long life, but the authors saw a potential one, citing other studies showing that centenarians rank high on “moral righteousness,” which leads to robust temperaments that “may help centenarians adapt well to later life.”

At the same time that crankiness, judiciously deployed, can be adaptive, its polar opposite – cheerfulness and optimism – may be less so. Worried people are likelier to be vigilant people, alert to a troubling physical symptom or a loss of some faculty that overly optimistic people might dismiss. Friedman and his collaborator, Leslie R. Martin, a professor of psychology at La Sierra University in Riverside, Calif., base their book on work begun in 1921 by Stanford University psychologist Lewis Terman, who recruited 1,500 boys and girls born around 1910 and proposed to follow them throughout their lifetimes and, when he died, as he did in 1956, to have successors continue the work. Friedman and Martin have been two of those successors, and they’ve learned a lot.

“Our research found that the more cheerful, outgoing children did not, for the most part, live any longer than their more introverted or serious classmates,” says Friedman. “Excessively happy people may ignore real threats and fail to take precautions or follow medical advice.”

One tip for long life that is not coming in for quite so much revisionist thinking is exercise. Adding even a small amount of movement to daily life has been repeatedly shown to be beneficial, for a whole range of reasons. “Exercise likely works through several mechanisms,” says Dr. Thomas Gill, director of the Yale Program on Aging. “Increasing physical activity will improve endurance; it benefits muscle strength and balance and reduces occurrence of serious fall injuries. It also provides a benefit to psychology, by lifting spirits.” A 2016 study found that elderly people who exercised for just 15 minutes a day, at an intensity level of a brisk walk, had a 22% lower risk of early death compared to people who did no exercise. A 2017 study found that exercising even just two days a week can lower risk for premature death. Researchers from McMaster University in Canada even found that breaking a sweat for just 60 seconds may be enough to improve health and fitness – as long as it’s a tough workout.

Healthy eating may have a lot more wiggle room than we’ve assumed. If there’s such a thing as a longevity diet, there may be more on the menu than seniors have been told. “It really is an issue of moderation,” says Peter Martin, a professor of human development and family studies at Iowa State University, who runs an ongoing study of centenarians. Martin notes that while most centenarians eat different but generally healthy diets, one consistent thing he has picked up from work with his 100-plus crowd is breakfast. “They rarely skip breakfast,” he says. “It’s often at a very specific time, and the routine is important.”

Alcohol has its place, too. An August 2017 study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that light to moderate alcohol use (14 or fewer drinks per week for men and seven or fewer for women) is associated with a lower risk of death compared to people who don’t drink at all. If you’re a nondrinker, that’s no reason to start, and if you drink only infrequently, it’s no reason to drink more. Still, among the more than 333,000 people in the study, light and moderate drinkers were 20% less likely to die from any cause during the study period compared with their completely abstemious peers.

There may be no truly healthy centenarians – you can’t reach 100 years without getting worn out and banged up along the way. But there are independent centenarians and happy centenarians and centenarians who have had a rollicking good ride. The same is true for people who will never reach the 100-year mark but make the very most of the time they do get. The end of life is a nonnegotiable thing.

How to Lower Utility Costs

You may be able to trim your utility bills with just a few energy upgrades and tweaks.

“There are so many small changes people can make to improve the energy efficiency of their homes, and it all adds up to significantly lower energy bills and a smaller environmental footprint,” says Christina Kielich of the U.S. Department of Energy. Kielich and home energy auditor Erlend Kimmich offered the following tips on Curbed.com about how to cut energy costs in a home, including:

Replace lightbulbs. The typical American household spends 5 to 10 percent of its energy budget on lighting alone, according to the DOE. Replace incandescent lightbulbs with LEDs, which on average are 85 percent more energy-efficient. You can shave $100 a year on your energy costs by making the switch.

Unplug. Leaving cellphones, TVs, computers and other electronic devices plugged in can continue to pull power from the grid. That can add up over time. Unplug devices or plug your electronics into power strips that you can easily turn off whenever they’re not being used.

Use an automatic thermostat. Save up to 10 percent on your annual heating and cooling costs by just dropping the thermostat 7 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit from its normal setting for eight hours a day. An automatic thermostat, which can be purchased for less than $20, can help to more easily adjust the thermostat during the day and cut energy use, too.

Seal your attic and basement. For a more substantial investment, seal and insulate the attic and basement – basically the top and bottom of your home, says Kimmich. “Especially if the house was built before World War II, that’s where you tend to find the most leakage,” Kimmich adds. “Think of your home’s air sealing and insulation like a windbreaker worn over a sweater. If there’s a rip or you leave the windbreaker unbuttoned, it can’t really help. So we fix the sweater by making the insulation more substantial and we improve that air seal anywhere the indoor space is connected to the outdoor space.”