Store safe, but wisely.

Everyone has a moment to store their valued belongings for a long time. We want to store things not only safely but wisely. How can we store things containing different materials for a long time? Here are some tips for you to store things safely.

Fabrics- Fabrics love to absorb waters so it is very weak in the humid area. Even it is not so humid, it will be ruined if it is stored at the same location for a long time. Paper balls are very helpful for fabrics. When you store it, make sure to put those in baggage that flows air well. Then, put paper balls inside to prevent your fabric items to absorb all the humidity!

Electronics-Electronics are also weak at humidity. They don’t absorb water that much, but piled dust likes to eat water. Make sure you wipe all the dust and dirt before you store it. It might be okay with it before you store but it can get worse if you store it with them!

Foods- DON’T STORE FOODS! If you store things somewhere for a long time, it is critical to store foods even it is indoor. Even it is canned food, it cannot be out of target from hungry animals or rodents. You don’t want to lure them and ruin your things.

It does not mean your stuff is 100% safe even your storage is very secured. Protect your things wisely when you store them longer!

What should we do for the dogs now?

It is still not recommended for everyone to go out a lot especially public spaces right now. But we still need our dogs to smell and feel the outside so that they won’t get so stressed in this situation.

It will be great if you have your own yard at your house or space for dogs in your apartment, but not everybody does. If you are staying inside with your four-leg pawls and don’t know how to deal with going outside.

Open windows.

Open windows and make sure dogs smell outside and show them the outside view if it is possible. It makes dogs very refreshed when they can just even smell outside and feel the breeze. If you are in the place that you cannot go out easily and the situation is severe, try this. Even your dog is born to be an indoor dog,  this will help a lot to relieve the stress of the dog.

Go out for the potty everytime.

It will be great if your dog can have time to walk, but if it is not a choice, take your dog out every time when they need a potty time. Having a potty time outside will make your dog satisfied and feel like they accomplished a thing. It is going to be a short walk and come back.

Another source of relieving stress

Some toys are designed to make dogs satisfied and relieve their stress such as sniffing blanket or a ball toy with treats inside. Dogs somehow want to be rewarded with their effort. These things can make them feel rewarded after playing so that they can make them happy.

It is a hard situation and many people, or dogs, are having a time which is not fun. It is best to find a way for dogs to feel outside as much as they can.

I hope it does not rain tonight so that I can open my windows for my dog!

Myths and truth about storage units

Storage units can be simple in somewhat way. Storing  customer’s things in extra spaces owned by property owner and pay the monthly fee. However, it can be complicated somehow including all the leases and agreements, contracts talking about rent fees, insurance and auctions. Feels like some magic story, there are some myths about storage units. Let’s talk about myths about storage units out there with the real truth about it.

Myth 1 : Storage units are not safe and very easy to be broke in.

Truth : Storage units can be a target to burglars since some of the units are standing outside with single gate. However, storage units are kept very safe than everyone’s expectation than ever. Since customer’s belongings that are in the storage unit is under the storage company’s guard, it is hard to be stolen. One of the primary things that company concerns about is the security of the storage since the storage unit itself or the things inside can mean tons to them. Dino’s storage has lots of security camera in different angles watching storage unit 24 hours and are managed by our managers or service workers. Also, we are protected by security system that is not so easy to break in.

Myth 2: Storage units are scamming people to just sell things in auction.

Truth: The most way how storage company makes money is to collect rent from tenants and sign up with new customers. Auctions are the last option of the company when tenants owe for long time. The storage units should be cleaned for next tenants.

Myth3: Storage units are too big and hard to afford.

Truth: If you are concerning about spacing just because of little amount of your stuff, that is okay! Dino’s storage has lots of variety from 25qft to 1000sqft! The quotes are available depends on your situation.

Don’t get fooled by myths while you can have awesome storage unit with us!

So to say, drive away.

Every local funs and duns are closed, no more partying and socializing.

However, we gotta refresh our body and mind.

Instead of stressing out, why don’t you use this time for your benefit?

Get your stuffs packed, no matter how many they are, and get on the road.

See how our nature got clean. Feel how amazing to breath fresh air breeze is.

You can think back of your good memories, have some picnic at nature spots, enjoy your time.

Get on the road and step on every path that you wanted to visit during normal time.

Doesn’t matter if you think it worth or not! We are counting every steps as journey now.

Take your time, enjoy your way.

Dino’s Storage has free truck and trailer that you can bring to anywhere you want as long as you bring it back in 24 hours.

There are plenty of things you can do in 24 hours!
Go to road trip, pull over for a moment at a great scenery and feel it.
You can even bring your own sofa or bed inside!

Would we name this……Camprintine?

What’s in Season for May

Eating qualified foods will be very important to improve your immune system especially in this kind of situation.

Here’s a way to intake some quality food in May while enjoying its fulfilled taste.

Get. Some. Seasonal. Foods.

Not everybody think about seasonal food in May. What is seasonal in may?

Foods that are seasonal in May are avocados, bananas, Broccoli, and Blueberries.

Aren’t they every-time seasonal food?

Nope, they are fully ripen and best in taste on May.

If you feel that they taste in the same way, it can be even cheaper in the market place!

Why not buying cheap and high quality food while you can also get your health improved?

It was very interesting that bananas and avocados, in the same BERRY category is seasonal during May!! Right, berries are seasonal during  May. Not surprising, blueberry is also a seasonal food in May.

The point is, look how interesting it is to find out some every time seasonal looking foods which are actually seasonal during May.

Go to groceries right now and look for some berries!

Pretty sure that they won’t disappoint you.

Moving out to the bigger world

It has been a hard time and graduates of spring 2020 confronted unexpected situation.

Their graduation ceremony, which happens only one time in their lifetime, had to be canceled due to the pandemic situation.

Graduates were not even able to celebrate with their friends in campus since all the classes has shifted into online class.

Even in this hard situation, people has been moving on.

Graduates has successfully finished their courses and obtained degree.

Many of them has already found the job and moved one step forward in their lives. They did online interviews and trying their best in this pandemic world.

It is very impressive to see how people handle this situation while they are on the boarder line of their important season of the life.

Move on, people! Bigger world is waiting. Don’t let the situation block your biggest step.

Don’t Toss Them, Reuse Them

Every day we go through any number of simple things and toss them in the trash. But often there are good uses they can be put to. Many household items can be used in ways they weren’t originally made for, helping you save money, spruce up the house and more.

Take the lowly egg carton, for example. You can use it to start your own miniature garden. You can also use the sections to separate and freeze cookie dough, meatballs and other comfort foods that are perfect to make ahead and eat the next day.

Old socks can have a useful life. If the washer ate a mate, or a hole popped up for your big toe, here are a couple of new uses. Turn your old sock into a brand new toy that your pet might actually play with. Put a tennis ball inside the sock to create a toy for your dog or sew it closed with some catnip for your cat.

Old T-shirts can be cut to make great dsting or cleaning rags.

Shoe boxes have creative uses. Use them to keep important papers and documents organized, or as extra storage for your childhood and family photos. They can easily be labeled.

Jars are very versatile. Use jars as glassware or for food canning. You can also use one to organize your desk by placing pens or makeup brushes in it. If you need a holder for your toothbrush or toothpaste in the bathroom, use a jar.

The empty tissue box can be used to hold and organize plastic bags or trash bags. You can easily tuck it away under the sink or beside the trash can to make it easier to quickly switch out a full bag.

Wine bottles can hold some beautiful fragrant flowers to brighten the room at the center of your dinner table, windowsill or kitchen counter.

Cereal boxes can be cut at an angle to make great holders for keeping important documents and papers. Instead of just throwing your mail anywhere, you can stay organized by placing it in Cap’n Crunch’s former home.

Old dresser drawers can be used under the bed for towels and other things even after you replace the dresser. If you’re really crafty, you can turn it into shelving on your wall to hold plants or make it into a brand new bookshelf.

Mugs tend to accumulate over the years and pick up stains from coffee and other drinks. You can use the old mug with your college mascot on it to finally organize your messy office and place your pens and pencils inside. Or organize all of your makeup brushes with the souvenir mug you bought to commemorate surviving that family trip. You can also use it to plant your favorite flower and place it right next to your window to get plenty of sunshine.

Sandwich bags aren’t just for school lunches. You can use the household staple as a piping bag for decorating delicious delights. Decorate cupcakes, cakes and other sweets just like the best dessert shops in the country.

Paper towel rolls can be used to organize your cell phone cords or TV wires. Are you tired of seeing your cords tied together in a bunch? Just put them through the roll to keep them untangled.

Old newspapers and magazines can be crinkled up and used them inside a package box before shipping it. The paper will make a great cushion for fragile items. If you’re in the process of moving, save money on supplies by using the papers to wrap your fragile glassware.

Plastic or paper shopping bags can be used as trash bags for your smaller bins throughout the house. You can also separate your recyclables with them.

If you’re eating apples or other fruits that are in season, they most likely will have seeds that would make a perfect personal project for any rookie gardener. Take your old jar or egg carton, fill it with some dirt and plant your seeds.

Old dryer sheets can make excellent dust rags to pick up dust mites under your table or pet hair all over your couch.

You should change out your toothbrush often, but there are ways to reuse that old one, too. Toothbrushes are great to help clean difficult, hard-to-reach places in your bathroom such as underneath the fixtures on faucets and more of the dirtiest places in your home.

An old pillowcase might help keep your closet full of sheets and other pillowcases organized. If you have matching sets, you can stuff your folded bedsheets, linen or other pillowcases inside. You can also use it as a homemade Halloween bag to collect some of the most popular Halloween candies.

A lazy susan can be a great way to organize your kitchen cabinets after you ditch it for a fancy new spice rack. Don’t struggle with searching for a sponge or a spray bottle that disappeared in the back of the cabinet. Place the lazy susan underneath the sink cabinet and all of the important supplies on top of it. Spin it around and find anything you need.

If you have an old bar cart that you barely use anymore why not find a new purpose for it? You can make it into a new bedside table or even turn it into a bookcase.

Bread tags can help organize the cords behind your TV. They can be written on to add labels, too.

So you redid your kitchen and the old paper-towel holder just doesn’t have a home anymore. Well, it turns out it can hold more than paper towels. Move it into the closet to stack and organize bracelets or necklaces, or keep it in the kitchen and put a trash bag roll on it for easy trash swaps.

Does your cereal quickly go stale a few days after opening it? Use an old clothespin to keep the package closed and fresh every time you open it to eat it. An old clothespin can make a great clip to close a chip bag or any of your favorite snack foods when you’re done with them.

Perspective On Our Changing World

Age, general health and social makeup of each of us make tremendous differences in how we approach and cope with today’s fast-changing world.

For those of us at the upper end of the spectrum there are calls from a certain segment of society that we must be willing to “die for the Dow.” Literally, there are howls from certain media outlets and groups that make this our destiny, that encourage the medical field to just write us off so that supplies and medicine can be directed to the young and so the rest of the world can get back to worrying about the economy rather than the pandemic.

This is a huge turn from our nation’s wars when the young were called to save our democracy – not our dollars.

For the youngsters among us, the current dual crises of the pandemic and the economic collapse is utterly devastating. They can’t understand the need to self-isolate, or stay at home when they are at an age for parties and fun. They can’t understand why jobs must disappear for now. Unemployment is rocketing upward even as the Dow makes a hesitating recovery. But we are far from a stable economy and a healthy populace. The youngsters need to understand that the older generation has much to share, much to give and a much greater perspective. When the youngsters ignore the social restrictions now being imposed or yet to come they directly endanger the oldsters. Their parent and grandparents. The parents and grandparents of others. The political leadership of the nation – many of whom are old.

But the intense feelings against social isolation are not restricted to the young. Many of the older folks chafe at the restrictions. Extroverts find it very, very depressing and discouraging to be cut off from their normal social outlets – golf, bridge, shopping, parties, dinners and more. It is very difficult to accept that the world’s longest border, the 5,525 mile line between the U.S. and Canada, is not fully open today due to restrictions imposed by each nation. It is hard to contemplate that Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, is suffering from the Corona virus.

Our society has seen a lot of this before. The Great Depression – 1929-1941 – disrupted the lives of millions. World War II did so as well, putting millions of women to work for the first time. Before all that in the U.S prohibition sent women to the speakeasies alongside their men because Americans, like Canadians, simply don’t like to be told what to do. The Spanish flu of 1918-1919 killed tens of thousands in a manner much like the Corona virus of today. There were no individual funerals. Obituaries – those last words of kindness about a departed one – consisted of a list of names of those who had died. Burials were often en masse.

The aftermath of 9/11 devastated many lives, disrupting trade and the economy. The financial collapse of 2007-2008 engendered great distrust in a U.S. government that gave away billions intended to help the economy, but resulting mainly in further enriching the rich. The $2+ trillion stimulus working its way through the U.S. Congress this week is likely to do much the same, though it is spreading some crumbs for the working class, or at least for those who pay income taxes.

If there were magical solutions, we all would be wildly waving our wands. But, alas, there are no magical solutions. We simply must have patience as our nations work through it. There will be better days ahead for those who survive, as most of us will.

May God Bless America.
May God Save the Queen.
And don’t forget to wash your hands – thoroughly and often.

Micro Investing May Bring New Investors

Real estate investing may still feel out of reach to many consumers, but a new trend growing from startups is fostering “micro-investing” to help a new wave of investors jump in – sometimes for as little as $5. It sounds a bit like penny stocks, but property, not stocks, is involved.

“The best portfolios are diversified, and real estate performs very uniquely, in a way that is uncorrelated to the stock market and bonds…. We want to offer the same asset at a lower price point,” Janine Yorio, founder and CEO of Compound, a real estate micro-investment startup offering an app that allows micro-investors to purchase shares of properties the company hopes to sell at a profit for investors.

Following a model similar to real estate investment trusts, micro-investing companies offer investors the chance to become part owners of a property. “REITs are just like owning stock, subject to stock market volatility and other unrelated factors to the actual performance of a property,” Darren Powderly, co-founder of CrowdStreet Inc., a micro-investment company that allows investors to buy shares of commercial real estate nationwide. “So in addition to REITs, savvy individual investors add private real estate to their portfolios for greater diversification and returns.”

The startup Compound says it intends to raise $10 billion a year to purchase properties and make them available as micro-investments. To date, the company has raised $2 million. Compound currently allows people to invest in a share of a luxury apartment in Miami Beach’s “Billionaire Bunker” island for $260. After three to five years, Compound will sell the properties and then distribute the profits to the investors.

“We’re looking to give people access to properties they would want to own for themselves and are proud to say they own a part of—but that also makes a great long-term investment,” Yorio told Yahoo Finance.

Storage Solutions for Home & Business

Storage Solutions for Home & Business

Need to declutter to sell a property? Have too much stuff on hand at your home, office or business? Need someplace to hold the stuff in this era of stocking up?

There’s a Dino’s near you where you can keep your stuff safe & secure! Dino’s Storage offers indoor storage, climate controlled or not, outdoor storage, parking.and even free use of a moving truck. We even have specialized contractor bays at some locations. We have packing materials, mattress covers and boxes available, too.

Access hours and office hours vary. Please check on our website for details on the location you prefer: Or you can call us at 402-916-4015.

Here’s the list of our locations:
Bellevue – 1001 Cornhusker Rd. – 402-293-4667
Elkhorn – 20800 West Dodge Rd. – 402-289-0923
Lincoln – 1945 N. 84th St. – 402-486-3466
Omaha Midtown Crossing –2724 Douglas St. – 402-553-0828
Omaha Downtown – 2757 Harney St. – 402-345-3466
Omaha Aksarben- 5328 Center St. 402-504-4600
Omaha Millard – 14301 Josephine St. – 402-896-6500
Omaha West Maple – 14650 W. Maple Rd. – 402-916-4441
Omaha Benson – 7201 Maple St. – 402-614-7356
Omaha Blackstone – 4412 Dodge St. – 402-502-4948
Omaha Little Italy – 1220 S. 13th St. – 402-502-0553
Omaha Stockyards – 4520 S. 36th St. – 402-800-3770
Papillion – 921 Cedardale Rd. – 402-331-1555
South Omaha – 2816 B St. – 402-502-3540
West Omaha – 4876 S. 192nd St.
Bondurant – 411 Brick St. SE – 515-967-9346
Des Moines – 5327 SE 14th St. – 515-953-3466
Urbandale – 4880 NW Urbandale Dr. – 515-251-5967
Winnipeg – 1569 Orange St. – 204-772-0526

Dino’s has been providing excellence, safety and security in storage since 1998.