What Happens To Abandoned Units?

The simple definition of self-storage is a place that people can go, to store their own items. People will come to the facilities and pick out a unit. This is important because there are a few different sizes that one can pick from. Then they would put all their items in the unit. But self-storage isn’t free. There are monthly payments that one needs to make. But what happens if you aren’t able to make those payments anymore or a unit is abandoned? Usually, the storage facilities will put up the unit up for auction. This could be because the items are taking up a unit that a future tenant could be using. Also, this is another way to pay off the tenant’s unpaid balance. Some storage facilities do the auctions in person. Others are able to do the auctions online. At Dino’s Storage, the auction is done online.

The first step is to market the storage unit. This is a very important step to take because it’s trying to get people’s attention and let them know that there is a unit up for auction. At Dino’s, once we gain some interest, the next step would be the bidding part. There is a bidding part because storage facilities want to sell it at the best price. Once there is a winner, they have to make two payments. The first one is the winning bid amount. The second one would be the cleaning deposit. This one would make sure that the units are cleaned out. After the payments are made, the winner would need to contact Dino’s Storage. This is to make an appointment to get access to the unit that was purchased.

After scheduling an appointment, the person has 72 hours to empty the unit. This is to make sure that the winner comes in and take the items. When the unit is cleaned out, there is an inspection of the unit. This would be to make sure that the unit is cleaned out properly. If the unit is cleaned out properly, then the winner is able to get the cleaning deposit back. There are many different things that you can find in a unit. It could be furniture, books, movies, documents, and other miscellaneous items.

These auctions are supposed to be light-hearted events. Some people bid for storage units because they find its one of their hobbies. They find enjoyment from it. Others like the mystery behind the auctions. When the unit is put up for auction, there might be a lack of information about what’s in the unit. This could get people curious about it and start bidding. At Dino’s Storage, we do ask the winners to return any items that might be private information, pictures, or keepsakes. This is so we can try to get these private items back to the original tenant.