Helping in the Community

Food Bank  As the holidays and winter months approach we are doing are part here at Bellevue’s Dino’s Storage to help out in the community. There is always a need for help in the community but during the holiday season and the colder months of the year it is even more important to help out where we can.

  • New customers who come in with a donation of 5 nonperishable food items will get their application fee waived.
  • Bring in 10 additional items we will give you half off a second month.

Last year we were able to donate approximately 25 barrels of canned and boxed food items. We are hoping to donate even more this year. All donations go to Foodbank of the Heartland.

The Importance of Community Involvement

Community involvement is the process of engaging in dialogue and collaboration with community members. This may involve volunteer work, promotion of social causes, or donations to local charities. It is understanding your surroundings, working with others to improve the community, anticipating and providing services as the community evolves, and working diligently to provide a positive experience.

What impact are you leaving on your community?  Are you leaving a distinct impression on the lives you are touching?  Are you even known?  It is so important to be involved and to understand what is going on in your community.  As Mother Teresa so eloquently said, ” I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”  Make sure you are having a positive impact on your community.

We at Dino’s Storage try to be at the fore-front of anticipating and providing our services as our communities are changing. Whether you are a business or individual, we will work hard to meet your needs. Please feel free to call and discuss your situation and ask about our specials.

Cindy Sampson
Property Manager
411 Brick Street
Bondurant, Iowa