Dino’s Storage is a Worthwhile Employer

I would like to take the time to write about something to plug the ownership of Dino’s Storage this month as opposed to trying to tell you why you should send all of your storage business my way! Yahoo or Google does not take the time to write articles about every admirable thing that every small business does, so I am going to tell you about the great things that Dino’s Storage ownership did this year for its employees. In a year when half of the nation is complaining about the Affordable Care Act, and how it will jeopardize their profits (and should even be appealed), and big companies saying they will no longer cover spouses as part of their benefit package the owner of Dino’s Storage, last year had an open enrollment, for ALL of it’s full time employees (over a year before it would have been required). They offered the employees 2 different plans, because all people have different needs, but both were top of the line coverage. As things ended up working out, the company could have waited another year before even making this option available, as small businesses received a year extension from their requirement! Instead, Dino’s Storage did a very noble thing…….they moved forward, as any leader would do……….made these benefits available, and now have a very grateful workforce. Every employee can do more positive work when he has fewer things to worry about outside of the workplace. So much for plugging Dino’s ownership………but if I was looking for a service (of any kind) it always helps me to make a business decision if I know the integrity of the people I am doing my business with.   Good job Dino’s!!!!