Dino’s Storage offers tips on organizing your storage unit!

One too many times I have seen tenants open their storage units and their belongings start falling out or half their unit is out on the driveway while they are looking for that one special box. Here are some tips to save you a lot of time and energy in the future when accessing your unit.


First, when picking boxes make sure they are all the same size. Medium is recommended. This will help in stacking and accessibility. Make sure your boxes are labeled for storing in the correct area of your unit.

You will need to divide your storage contents into categories based on accessibility, visibility, and out of sight storage. Accessible items would be located in the front of the unit and out of sight in the back. Within those three categories, you can organize your unit based on lawn and garden, hardware, sports and recreation, seasonal items, etc..

Determine how your unit will best be designed. You will want to take measurements and sketch a plan to determine the components needed. If you are adding shelves, they can be purchased at any big box store or you can build your own. Shelving kits will require some assembly with basic tools. Be sure your shelving is free standing and you are not putting any pressure on the unit walls or ceiling.

We also recommend you leave a path in the middle so you can access the whole unit easily. Organizing your unit eliminates clutter, allows you to efficiently pack away your belongings, and create more functional space.

Cindy Sampson

Property Manager

411 Brick Street

Bondurant, Iowa




Omaha’s Dino’s Storage Offers Advice on Staying Mentally Well!

A lot of times people think of wellness in terms of physical or heath wellness. Though they are important, you must also include mental wellness. Here is a list of 13 things mentally well people avoid to help them in their ability to deal with daily life.

Mentally Well People Avoid:

1. Feeling Sorry For Themselves.
Do not feel sorry for yourself because life is not fair. You need to assume responsibility for your actions and results. If things do not work out the way you intended, be grateful for the lesson learned and move on.

2. Giving Away Control. You need to have confidence in yourself and not let others influence your emotions or actions. Be in control.

3. Getting Stuck In A “Rut”. Embrace change and new challenges. You must be able to conquer your fears and keep moving one foot forward even when you end up taking two steps back first.

4. Wasting Energy On Things You Can Not Control. The Alcoholic Anonymous Serenity Prayer is a great example for this, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”

5. Worrying About Pleasing Others. You need to be able to speak up in situations, but do it in a kind and graceful manner. People may get upset with you, but all parties involved must be able to walk away from the conversation with respect for each other.

6. Fearing Risk. You must be able to logically calculate the risks and rewards before taking action, do not let your emotions take over.

7. Dwelling On The Past. You need to live in the present and look toward the future. There is nothing wrong with reminiscing about the past, but you have to live for today and tomorrow.

8. Making A Mistake Twice. Mistakes happen and you need to learn from them and not repeat them. Mark the mistake up to your “learning curve” and move on.

9. Being Jealous Of Others. You need to have the genuine character to be happy for others success and still be able to work hard for your own success in a honest manner.

10. Quitting After Failure. Don’t throw in the towel just because it did not work. Try option B, option C, and so on. Make sure you are continually learning before moving on to the next option.

11. Fearing Being Alone. The book “The Road Less Traveled”, by M. Scott Peck, M.D. is recommended reading. Spending time alone to do some soul searching will take you to a new level of appreciation for others, life, and your surroundings.

12. Feeling The World Owes You. Life does not owe you one thing. Life is there for the taking and it is your preparation and hard work that will make you reap the rewards life has to offer.

13. Expecting Immediate Results. The 3 P’s of patience, persistence, and perseverance are the keys to successful results.

-Amy Morin’s article in LifeHack and Cheyl Conner’s article in Forbes.


If you are a western movie fan, the first thing you think of when you see the word grit is probably the movie “True Grit” with John Wayne as “Rooster” Cogburn. Others may think of the food, grits that comes out of the south. Grit is something else.

Grit is not a trait that requires immediate, positive feedback. Grit is not “I tried my best” and giving up. Grit is being able to stay determined and motivated over a long period of time despite failures and adversity. It is the stamina to “stay the course.” Grit is perseverance, motivation, ambition to overcome the challenges and obstacles. Our society needs a little more “grit” today, I pray we can find it.

“People are blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them.” G.B. Shaw Mrs Warren’s Profession 1893