Happy Holidays From Bellevue’s Dino’s Storage!!

The end of the year is rapidly approaching and its time to go through the paper work from the past year and put them in a secure place. We have units available in smaller sizes in climate control if you are looking to store just the important papers that you don’t want to lose or get damaged.

We also have larger units for your business needs.  If you need to store paperwork from past clients or customers that you need to save but do not need daily access. We have the units available that allow you the room to store them whether in boxes, shelves, or in file cabinets.

Happy Holidays from the Managers at Bellevue Dino’s Storage. Remember to take the time to enjoy your family and loved ones at this festive time of year.


   When browsing news articles I always see lists for Top Cities to work…raise a family…find a job…start a business…housing, etc.  While reading these I’ve noticed not only is Omaha on these lists, but usually in the top 10.  Making a list is good; to make the Top 10 repeatedly is awesome!!  It makes me proud to say I live in Omaha (and I’m staying here)!!!

 Just a few of the lists where Omaha has made the top 10 in 2013:

  • No. 1: Least Financial Stress(households in 77 metro areas) (CredAbility.org-May 2013)
  •   No. 1: The 10 Best Cities to Raise A Family in America (Movoto.com-May 2013)
  • No. 3: Number of Economic Development Projects (for MSA’s with population between 200,000 and 1 million) (Site Selection Magazine-March 2013)
  • No. 6: Most Secure Places to Live in the U.S. (Farmers Insurance Group-June 2013)
  • No. 7: Top 10 Best American Cities to Live In (Top10Stop.com-January 2013)
  •   No. 9: Best Cities for Young Entrepreneurs (mid-size cities) (Under30CEO.com-March 2013)
  •   No. 9: The 10 Best Cities for Young Entrepreneurs (Forbes-April 2013)
  • No. 10: Best Cities to Start a Business (NerdWallet.com-April 2013)

Just a few of the lists where Omaha has made the top 10 in 2012:

  • No. 1: Best Financial Health (CredAbility.org-August 2012)
  • No. 1: 7 U.S. Cities with the Biggest Bang for Your Buck (The Fiscal Times-June 2012)
  • No. 2: Top 10 Cities with the Best Economies for Families (Parenting-July 2012)
  • No. 5: Top Cities Friendly to Small Business (Thumbtack.com-May 2012)
  • No. 5: Best Cities to Find a Job (US News-January 2012)
  • No. 7: Healthiest Housing Markets in 2013 (Trulia.com-December 2012)
  • No. 7: Most Business-Friendly Cities (CNNMoney.com-June 2012)
  • No. 10: Cities with the Most Corporate Clout (Martin Prosperity Institute-July 2012)

Omaha’s Dino’s Storage-Reason For The Season

It’s that time of the year when you need to give thanks for what you have. You may think times are hard, but take a look around and see the less fortunate. There are many people out there that are homeless, cold and hungry. We need to remember these people and help them. Many have lost their jobs to cut backs. Some may be sick and can’t work. We may be worried about how we are going to buy all these presents for everyone. Remember that is not what Christmas is all about. Be thankful for what you have and give to the people that need help. Many need warm coats, hats and gloves. Many need warm meals and something warm to drink. A little kindness goes a long way and can bring smiles to many faces. Children that have never known what it is like to be warm and have hot meals. Pets that are left out in the cold and are hungry and freezing. They need help. Let’s step back and think about this and help. There are many organizations that you can donate to. Be thankful for what you have and give a little. Everyone have a Merry Christmas and remember what Christmas is all about.

Another year behind us here at Omaha’s Dino’s Storage!

This will be my last blog for 2013. It has been a very good year in the Downtown Omaha area. All of the beautiful Downtown Christmas lights are up and lit, and it is dark enough to enjoy them everyday as I leave work. It really is a beautiful and wonderful time of year.

We can all be very blessed that we have already dodged 2 major snow and ice storms, but we know that won’t be the case all winter. Even if we had gotten them, some of our best memories are being snowed in around the holidays.  Giving us chance to spend unscheduled extra time with family and friends.

If we do nothing else this season, let’s take the time to reflect, be thankful, and for those of us who can, be generous! The holidays are about giving. I do not necessarily mean buying gifts, but giving yourself….your kindness, your thoughts, your love, what makes you what you are. It will make just as much of a difference for yourself as it will for everyone you touch by it!!!!

To sum it up, take the time to enjoy the end of 2013……..live, love, and be happy………..enjoy your family, friends, strangers, your job, your pets, etc! It is all of those things that shape us into who and what we are. I will do this, and come back refreshed for 2014!!

Thank you all for taking the time to read my blogs, patronize my store, call me about the quotes and read the post weekly on my reader boards……….and for those of you who haven’t, see you in 2014!



Recipe for the Holidays All Year Long. Happy Holidays from Omaha and Des Moines Dino’s Storage!

Take a heap of child-like wonder,
That opens up our eyes.
To the unexpected gifts in life,
Each day a sweet surprise.
Mix in fond appreciation,
For the people whom we know.
Like festive Holiday candles,
Each one has a special glow.
Add some giggles and some laughter,
A dash of Holiday food.
Amazing how a piece of pie,
Improves our attitude!
Stir it all with human kindness,
Wrap it up in love and peace.
Decorate with optimism, and
Our joy will never cease.
If we use this healthy recipe,
We know we will remember.
To be in the Holiday spirit,
Even when it’s not December.


Dino’s Storage in Omaha is celebrating an employee’s birthday!

    Hello all Dino’s Storage customers and prospects! My name is Sarah Hill and today is my birthday! I have been with Dino’s Storage since August as the Operations Manager’s Assistant. Jena Erickson is the Operations Manager’s and she was so thoughtful and brought in cupcakes for the office today.The Dino’s Storage staff is made up of really amazing people.This is the first time EVER that I have truly loved doing my job.

If there is anything that we can do here at Dino’s Storage to help make your day any easier please let us know! You can reach me at Sarah@dinosstorage.com.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Making Your Payment

Dino’s Storage offers several consumer friendly methods of making your monthly payment. Please take note that WE DO NOT ACCEPT CASH as a form of payment. Refer to the payment options below to decide which method best meets your needs.

“On Line Payment” – You are able to make your payment online at www.dinosstorage.com with a debit or credit card. You will need to provide your unit number and monthly rent amount. The mailing address used with your card must be the same as what your card provider has on file.

“Mail To P.O. Box” –  You are able to mail a check or money order to our P.O. Box 31310 Omaha, NE 68131. Be sure your name, storage location, and unit number are legible.

“Automatic Payment” –  We are able to set up a monthly recurring payment that can be drawn from a checking account, savings account, debit or credit card. A Dino’s form must be completed and signed. This can be done at your facility’s office or printed from our web site www.dinosstorage.com and mailed to our P.O. Box 31310 Omaha, NE 68131.

“Payment at Facility” – We are able to process payments from a checking account, savings account, debit or credit card at our facilities. There is a $7 processing fee for monthly payments made at our facilities. The only exception is on new leases.

If you have any questions, please contact your facility. Thanks for using Dino’s Storage and we appreciate your business.

Reflections of Customer Appreciation

As we decorate our abodes to bring warmth and cheer through the winter that is here, we should all take time to reflect before the New Year.  Nearly half of the people that come into my office are in a transitional period in their lives.  I feel blessed to be able to help my wonderful customers with not only their storage needs but more often then not, I have been a shoulder to cry on and an ear when they need someone to listen or if they are just so excited about an event in their life and want to share what they are going through.


My customers are very important to me and I would like to share a small token of my appreciation with all of you!  I have placed my business cards all over the tree that I have decorated in my office and each card has a number on the back of it.  Anyone who rents a unit in December will be able to choose a card from the tree for a chance at one of the following gifts:  padlock, disk lock, administrative fee waived or a surprise gift! And any current customer that has a non-delinquent account on December 31, 2013 will be automatically be entered to receive 1 of 6 rent credits ranging from $5 to $30! 

I would like to leave you with one final thought as I had a friend share these 7 Cardinal Rules of Life with me and I would like to share them with you:

1)      Make peace with your past, so it will not disturb your present.
2)      What other people think of you is none of your business.
3)      Time heals almost everything.  Give it time.
4)      No one is in charge of your happiness.  Except you.
5)      Do not compare your life to others and do not judge them, you have no idea what their journey is all about.
6)      Stop thinking too much.  It’s alright not to know the answers.  They will come to you when you least expect it.
7)      Smile.  You do not own all of the problems in the world.

As I sat here and read this, I did reflect on how these ideas apply to my own life but I also thought about all of the stories that my customers have shared with me over the years and how each of their journeys correlated with at least once of these rules.  Perhaps as you sit here and read this, one of the rules stands out for you as well.  I think that it is important for all of us to reflect and remember that we are all dealing with some bit of a struggle in our lives but it is those challenges that make us stronger as a person.  Please carry these rules or ideas with you on a daily basis, find peace within yourself, be kind to your neighbor and always smile and have fun!!

The Armor of God

Ephesians 6:10-21 (New International Version)

The Armor of God

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should. 21 Tychicus, the dear brother and faithful servant in the Lord, will tell you everything, so that you also may know how I am and what I am doing.


Black Friday is almost here. Some people spend weeks planning for this day–night. Thanksgiving Day is the big day when all the ads become available. They make a schedule of where to go, when to go, and what to buy. Remember to allow time for standing in line. First line will be getting into the store and the second line will be checking out. If Black Friday is successful there are lots of packages. Where can they be hidden until Christmas? Where can they be wrapped so no one sees them? Dino’s Storage can help with that. Rent a storage unit for a couple of months and hide packages there and even wrap them there. Most Dino’s have 24 hour access so the packages are always available.

There is a Dino’s close to you.
Elkhorn 20800 West Dodge Road
Millard 14301 Josephine Street
Papillion 921 East Cedardale Road
Bellevue 1001 Cornhusker Road
Midtown 5320 Center Street
Downtown 2757 Harney Street and 2724 Douglas Street
And coming soon 156th and Maple
