Dino’s Storage offers “EATING HEALTHY” tips!

Several polls and studies show one of the most common new year resolutions are to eat healthier (another common one is loosing weight).  Unfortunately, these are also two resolutions most commonly not kept. So if your resolution is to eat healthier, this may help you keep it and make sure you are doing it right.


(How to cut, cook & sip for the most health benefits)

Choosing whole foods over supplements or fresh produce instead of processed potato chips is a no-brainer. But how to cook those foods to get the most bang for your buck isn’t always as obvious. Should you make enough salad for the whole week? Is it better to blend fresh or frozen fruit in a smoothie? Which is ideal: steaming or boiling your vegetables?

The short answer is that the healthiest cooking and prep methods change from food to food. “Heat, water, storage and exposure to air can all cause certain foods to lose their nutrients”, says Mary Cluskey, Ph.D, R.D., associate professor of nutrition at Oregon State University.


Your mistake: Microwaving or boiling them

The fix: Steaming

Why it works: Steaming helps retain cancer-fighting nutrients in broccoli better than other cooking methods, reports a new study from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Sulforaphane (a plant compound with strong anti-cancer properties) is abundant in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale and arugula. The enzyme myrosinase is necessary to release the compound, but most cooking methods destroy it. Steaming is a slower, gentler heat, and isn’t intense enough to kill myrosinase, explains study author Elizabeth Jeffery, Ph.D. – Cook broccoli in a steaming basket for 3 to 4 minutes for the biggest cancer-fighting boost.


Your mistake: Slicing them before eating

The fix: Eating them whole

Why it works: Whole strawberries contain 8 to 12 percent more vitamin C than the cut fruits, according to a 2011 Brazilian study. That’s because vitamin C begins to break down when it’s exposed to light and oxygen. For the biggest C boost, store whole strawberries in the fridge – cool temperatures help retain vitamin C, too, finds the same study.


Your mistake: Letting a bottle “breathe”

The fix: Sipping a freshly opened bottle

Why it works: When red wine is decanted for long periods of time (up to 12 hours) the organic acids and polyphenols begin to break down, according to a 2012 Chinese study. Leaving the bottle open overnight nixes the usual benefits of a glass of red, including decreased depression, increased testosterone and a healthier heart.


Your mistake: Eating them raw

The fix: Heating them up

Why it works: Tomatoes have been linked to lowering men’s risk of stroke, helping fight prostate cancer and preserving brain power with age. Heating tomatoes significantly increases their levels of lycopene, the chemical that can up antioxidant levels. In fact, a recent study in The British Journal of Nutrition found that raw foodists (people who eat mostly uncooked produce) were deficient in lycopene. Cook tomatoes in olive oil for the biggest nutritional boost: Lycopene is fat-soluble, meaning you need fat in your diet for your body to absorb it properly.

Frozen produce

Your mistake:Skipping the frozen food section when shopping

The fix: Hit the freezers

Why it works:  “Most people think only fresh is healthy, but this is a huge misconception,” says Cluskey. In fact, U.K. scientists found that in two out of three cases, frozen fruits and vegetables packed higher levels of antioxidants (including polyphenols, vitamin C and beta-carotene) than the fresh kind. As produce ages, nutrients begin to change and break down, says Cluskey. It’s therefore better to eat food that was frozen at prime ripeness with its nutrients intact than week-old produce that no longer has the same beneficial chemical makeup.

Dino’s Storage offers 10 Spiritual Resolutions tips for 2014!

MEDITATE 2 or 3 times a week for 10 minutes by focusing on your breath.

Spend quality TIME with friends and family, in person or on the phone, at least once a week.

Consume COMPASSIONATELY, by eating only vegetarian food at least once a week.

Take time to write down and express GRATITUDE for the positive things happening in your life.

REFLECT on all the small and big ways in which people are helping you.

Feel JOY for another’s success even if it is the same success you were hoping for.

Mend old RELATIONSHIPS by forgiving those who hurt you and by seeking forgiveness from those you hurt.

COMMUNICATE mindfully-practice speaking in a way that is honest, helpful, yet doesn’t offend or hurt others.

ANGER can lead to regretful behavior, so don’t let anger get the best of you.

Don’t become proud of your gifts, instead BE grateful.

-Gadadhara Pardit Dasa-

Dino’s Storage visits Winnipeg when it is colder than Mars!

Our Owner and Operations Manager made a recent trip to our location in Winnipeg, Canada to welcome our newest manager to Dino’s team, Cyrena Syrowitz. While visiting the weather was frigged, according to the Curiosity Rover, Mars reached a maximum temperature of -29 C on Tuesday, a temperature Winnipeg only reached shortly before 3 p.m.

In Winnipeg, the daytime high temperature for Tuesday was only expected to reach –31 C, but the windchill made it feel more like –40 to –50. That means exposed skin can freeze in less than five minutes. On Monday, it got as warm as –28 C.




Omaha’s Dino’s Storage Offers Advice on Staying Mentally Well!

A lot of times people think of wellness in terms of physical or heath wellness. Though they are important, you must also include mental wellness. Here is a list of 13 things mentally well people avoid to help them in their ability to deal with daily life.

Mentally Well People Avoid:

1. Feeling Sorry For Themselves.
Do not feel sorry for yourself because life is not fair. You need to assume responsibility for your actions and results. If things do not work out the way you intended, be grateful for the lesson learned and move on.

2. Giving Away Control. You need to have confidence in yourself and not let others influence your emotions or actions. Be in control.

3. Getting Stuck In A “Rut”. Embrace change and new challenges. You must be able to conquer your fears and keep moving one foot forward even when you end up taking two steps back first.

4. Wasting Energy On Things You Can Not Control. The Alcoholic Anonymous Serenity Prayer is a great example for this, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”

5. Worrying About Pleasing Others. You need to be able to speak up in situations, but do it in a kind and graceful manner. People may get upset with you, but all parties involved must be able to walk away from the conversation with respect for each other.

6. Fearing Risk. You must be able to logically calculate the risks and rewards before taking action, do not let your emotions take over.

7. Dwelling On The Past. You need to live in the present and look toward the future. There is nothing wrong with reminiscing about the past, but you have to live for today and tomorrow.

8. Making A Mistake Twice. Mistakes happen and you need to learn from them and not repeat them. Mark the mistake up to your “learning curve” and move on.

9. Being Jealous Of Others. You need to have the genuine character to be happy for others success and still be able to work hard for your own success in a honest manner.

10. Quitting After Failure. Don’t throw in the towel just because it did not work. Try option B, option C, and so on. Make sure you are continually learning before moving on to the next option.

11. Fearing Being Alone. The book “The Road Less Traveled”, by M. Scott Peck, M.D. is recommended reading. Spending time alone to do some soul searching will take you to a new level of appreciation for others, life, and your surroundings.

12. Feeling The World Owes You. Life does not owe you one thing. Life is there for the taking and it is your preparation and hard work that will make you reap the rewards life has to offer.

13. Expecting Immediate Results. The 3 P’s of patience, persistence, and perseverance are the keys to successful results.

-Amy Morin’s article in LifeHack and Cheyl Conner’s article in Forbes.

Happy Holidays From Bellevue’s Dino’s Storage!!

The end of the year is rapidly approaching and its time to go through the paper work from the past year and put them in a secure place. We have units available in smaller sizes in climate control if you are looking to store just the important papers that you don’t want to lose or get damaged.

We also have larger units for your business needs.  If you need to store paperwork from past clients or customers that you need to save but do not need daily access. We have the units available that allow you the room to store them whether in boxes, shelves, or in file cabinets.

Happy Holidays from the Managers at Bellevue Dino’s Storage. Remember to take the time to enjoy your family and loved ones at this festive time of year.


   When browsing news articles I always see lists for Top Cities to work…raise a family…find a job…start a business…housing, etc.  While reading these I’ve noticed not only is Omaha on these lists, but usually in the top 10.  Making a list is good; to make the Top 10 repeatedly is awesome!!  It makes me proud to say I live in Omaha (and I’m staying here)!!!

 Just a few of the lists where Omaha has made the top 10 in 2013:

  • No. 1: Least Financial Stress(households in 77 metro areas) (CredAbility.org-May 2013)
  •   No. 1: The 10 Best Cities to Raise A Family in America (Movoto.com-May 2013)
  • No. 3: Number of Economic Development Projects (for MSA’s with population between 200,000 and 1 million) (Site Selection Magazine-March 2013)
  • No. 6: Most Secure Places to Live in the U.S. (Farmers Insurance Group-June 2013)
  • No. 7: Top 10 Best American Cities to Live In (Top10Stop.com-January 2013)
  •   No. 9: Best Cities for Young Entrepreneurs (mid-size cities) (Under30CEO.com-March 2013)
  •   No. 9: The 10 Best Cities for Young Entrepreneurs (Forbes-April 2013)
  • No. 10: Best Cities to Start a Business (NerdWallet.com-April 2013)

Just a few of the lists where Omaha has made the top 10 in 2012:

  • No. 1: Best Financial Health (CredAbility.org-August 2012)
  • No. 1: 7 U.S. Cities with the Biggest Bang for Your Buck (The Fiscal Times-June 2012)
  • No. 2: Top 10 Cities with the Best Economies for Families (Parenting-July 2012)
  • No. 5: Top Cities Friendly to Small Business (Thumbtack.com-May 2012)
  • No. 5: Best Cities to Find a Job (US News-January 2012)
  • No. 7: Healthiest Housing Markets in 2013 (Trulia.com-December 2012)
  • No. 7: Most Business-Friendly Cities (CNNMoney.com-June 2012)
  • No. 10: Cities with the Most Corporate Clout (Martin Prosperity Institute-July 2012)

Omaha’s Dino’s Storage-Reason For The Season

It’s that time of the year when you need to give thanks for what you have. You may think times are hard, but take a look around and see the less fortunate. There are many people out there that are homeless, cold and hungry. We need to remember these people and help them. Many have lost their jobs to cut backs. Some may be sick and can’t work. We may be worried about how we are going to buy all these presents for everyone. Remember that is not what Christmas is all about. Be thankful for what you have and give to the people that need help. Many need warm coats, hats and gloves. Many need warm meals and something warm to drink. A little kindness goes a long way and can bring smiles to many faces. Children that have never known what it is like to be warm and have hot meals. Pets that are left out in the cold and are hungry and freezing. They need help. Let’s step back and think about this and help. There are many organizations that you can donate to. Be thankful for what you have and give a little. Everyone have a Merry Christmas and remember what Christmas is all about.

Another year behind us here at Omaha’s Dino’s Storage!

This will be my last blog for 2013. It has been a very good year in the Downtown Omaha area. All of the beautiful Downtown Christmas lights are up and lit, and it is dark enough to enjoy them everyday as I leave work. It really is a beautiful and wonderful time of year.

We can all be very blessed that we have already dodged 2 major snow and ice storms, but we know that won’t be the case all winter. Even if we had gotten them, some of our best memories are being snowed in around the holidays.  Giving us chance to spend unscheduled extra time with family and friends.

If we do nothing else this season, let’s take the time to reflect, be thankful, and for those of us who can, be generous! The holidays are about giving. I do not necessarily mean buying gifts, but giving yourself….your kindness, your thoughts, your love, what makes you what you are. It will make just as much of a difference for yourself as it will for everyone you touch by it!!!!

To sum it up, take the time to enjoy the end of 2013……..live, love, and be happy………..enjoy your family, friends, strangers, your job, your pets, etc! It is all of those things that shape us into who and what we are. I will do this, and come back refreshed for 2014!!

Thank you all for taking the time to read my blogs, patronize my store, call me about the quotes and read the post weekly on my reader boards……….and for those of you who haven’t, see you in 2014!



Recipe for the Holidays All Year Long. Happy Holidays from Omaha and Des Moines Dino’s Storage!

Take a heap of child-like wonder,
That opens up our eyes.
To the unexpected gifts in life,
Each day a sweet surprise.
Mix in fond appreciation,
For the people whom we know.
Like festive Holiday candles,
Each one has a special glow.
Add some giggles and some laughter,
A dash of Holiday food.
Amazing how a piece of pie,
Improves our attitude!
Stir it all with human kindness,
Wrap it up in love and peace.
Decorate with optimism, and
Our joy will never cease.
If we use this healthy recipe,
We know we will remember.
To be in the Holiday spirit,
Even when it’s not December.


Dino’s Storage in Omaha is celebrating an employee’s birthday!

    Hello all Dino’s Storage customers and prospects! My name is Sarah Hill and today is my birthday! I have been with Dino’s Storage since August as the Operations Manager’s Assistant. Jena Erickson is the Operations Manager’s and she was so thoughtful and brought in cupcakes for the office today.The Dino’s Storage staff is made up of really amazing people.This is the first time EVER that I have truly loved doing my job.

If there is anything that we can do here at Dino’s Storage to help make your day any easier please let us know! You can reach me at Sarah@dinosstorage.com.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!